Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Clap it up?

when you beat someone in an activity (mostly used while playing uno) you clapped them up.

roger: play me again. im gonna clap that ass up
me: you got clapped 6 times in a row go put some socks on.

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Clap it up - video


Clap it up - what is it?

A slang term for fucking a bitch. Most of time it's a quick in and out affair, and the sex partners aren't in a relationship.

Bro, after 9 months she's finally gonna let me clap up.
She was not what I expected, man. I'll never clap up again.

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What does "Clap it up" mean?

Used as slang to mean that you gave someone chlamydia or to explain that you have chlamydia. It is usually associated with an nsa hookup whereby the person that is 'clapped up' didn't realise the person they slept with had chlamydia.

I was clapped up in the supermarket carpark by Jeffrey. I didn't realise...

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Clap it up - what does it mean?

Usually used to describe someone who was harassed, jumped, smacked, or possibly beaten.

"Hey, you heard what happened to Jackie?!"
'Yeah, I heard that bitch got clapped up.'

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Clap it up - meaning

What you apparently have to do to little guys with attitudes.

almost had to clap up zane from 1 direction because he is a little guy and has an attitude

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Clap it up - definition

To recieve fatal injury via "gats" or "straps". Usualy occurs when two individuals are experiencing extreme hatred towards one another.

"Both yall bout to get clapped up, both yall"

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Clap it up - slang

A simple phrase meaning to carry out violence on an opposition

Origin is 100% created and credited to johnson

β€œLet’s go clap em up rq”
β€œJohnson I need you to help me clap them up rq”

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Clap it up

When you celebrate someone and give them props - like a round of applause... you're 'clapping them up'

Diana did so amazingly in her training. I'm totally going to 'clap her up'.

Diana - I'm clapping you up!
Diana - I clap you up for being so amazing!

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Clap it up

excite someone to dance

shorty started to clap it up when i started dancing

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Clap it up

use interchangeably with "fuck" "fix" and "jack"

Did that virus clap up your computer?

Yeah, the guy who cleaned it for me said my laptop was all clapped up.

What software did he use to clap it up?

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