Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Changel?

One of White Wolf Studio's greatest, and most misunderstood, achievements in pen-and-paper roleplaying games.

Vampire: They're just faeries, what could they do?
Redcap: Mmm... hungry... *CHOMP*
Vampire: AAAH! THE AGG!!!

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Changel - meme gif

Changel meme gif

Changel - video


Changel - what is it?

A person with no conciderations for others, usally a male. They talk so loud on the phone at 3 am like if it was broad daylight, they don't give a fuck!

Exp 1:

Me: zZzZ....

My cousin: 'phone rings at 3 am' my cousin- HEY HOW ARE YOU!!! LONG TIME NO SEE!!!

Exp 2:

Tom: Hey there's a meeting next door we better keep it down


Tom: shut up man god your such a changel, there's a fucking meeting next in the room next door.

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What does "Changel" mean?

A girl who is sometimes attractive with make up on but completely busted without!

Mike: Hey did you see Maureen last night without make up!?

Chris: Ugh! CHANGELING!!!

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Changel - what does it mean?

When you want to know how someone is in bed, but can't sleep with them for any number of reasons, and you talk a friend into doing it for you and reporting back.

Lola: Damn I wanna have sex with Aron, but Brad would KILL me!!

Holly: Yeah, he is really hot! I would totally do him!

Lola: Awesome! Will you be my changeling and report back?

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Changel - meaning

An obscure mashup of the words change and socialism created by Barney Frank; Implication that Barrack Obama's plan is what the economy needs; A state of change towards a marxist state;

I do think this is the time for a very important dose of changelism.

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Changel - definition

another word for the tv remote

Give the changelator, i wanna watch football

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Changel - slang

People who will frequently show up in an online community, burn every one of their bridges, start arguments, troll like it's the end of days, garner universal disdain from their fellow board-members, then get booted from the board, only to show up again immediately afterward under a new user-name, and continue to repeat the same process, ad infinitum.

BloodNinja: Hey babe, wana cyber?
BritneySpears14: No! Get away you freak!
eminemBNJA: Hey babe, whats going on?
BritneySpears14: Ugh, another changeling.

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A agent of change. Or when you put together the words angel and change.

I am a Changel. and bringing about changes in people's lives.

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A being whose gender changes frequently or more than once.

Kayla is such a changeling. She was Caleb like a fucking week ago! Until she found some dink and became Kayla again.

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A person who either was switched at birth with a other~wordly baby; or who is truly from another planet.

For some reason, I just know that I'm a changeling.

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