Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Car bomb?

Dropping a shot of Natural Light beer into a glass of Natural Light beer and chugging it.

Damn, Elliott just dropped a Natty Car Bomb. He's going to be mildly inebriated.

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Car bomb - video


Car bomb - what is it?

The act of placing a shot of Crystal Palace Vodka (usually not from a shot glass but straight from the gallon sized plastic bottle) within a Milwalkees Best Beer (usually in a red SOLO cup and preferrably Ice). Usually done outdoors via the gully, baker fields, or the bike path "benches".

"Man I puked soo much, almost as bad as when I had that Cohoes Car Bomb!"

👍49 👎13

What does "Car bomb" mean?

The cocktail created by taking an empty shot glass and dropping it into your (mostly) full glass of water.

"Dude! After doing our shots of Jager last night, Jeff and I did some Mormon Car Bombs! They were killer!"

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Car bomb - what does it mean?

An Alcoholic beverage made up of two main ingredients Natural Light or Ice and a shot of Vladimir Vodka or Bankers Club (only if Vladdy is not available) you simply drop the shot into the beer and drink as fast as possible trying to bite back the taste of vomit. This drink is typically served at a high school party in Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania or the towns immediately adjacent to Clifton such as Springfield, Upper Darby, Darby, Aldan and Landsdowne.

Jeff: I want to get fucked up tonight but i don't have much money, what should i do?
Crowd of Ninjas (from Clifton): We would suggest some Clifton Car Bombs.

👍49 👎11

Car bomb - meaning

Having sex while driving. Usually involving the man driving and the woman riding him.

dude i was car bombing last night
really? awesomeee
yeah man. almost hit a tree. i couldnt see shit

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Car bomb - definition

Very popular with international terrorist groups including the IRA. A car wired with explosives that are detonated by remote control killing people and destroying neighbouring property. Please do not try this at home. You may notice that when the bomb has gone off with a big bang you may be suffering from deafness. The other thing you will most certainly notice is that both your neighbours and their houses have moved away from the locality. By the way, where is your house? You foolish person an insurance claim might not be a good idea, I doubt you will get away with it. Never mind the government of your country may give you free accommodation for the rest of your life.

The car bomb on 15th August 1998 in Market Street, Omagh, Co. Tyrone in the north of Ireland, detonated by the Real IRA killed 29 people

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Car bomb - slang

1. A practice by the Italian Mafia that has went on since the introduction of the car.

2. See Italian Mafia

3. To place a car bomb into the starter of the car that a trator of the Italian mafia or the person who hasn't been paying protection.

Joey: Since Biff hasn't been paying protection, were going to teach him a lesson.

Ken: How are we going to Biff a lesson?

Joey: Were going to blow up his car with him inside it.

Ken: You mean a car bombing?

Joey: Yes a Car bombing

👍35 👎27

Car bomb

kar' bom <middle english> favorite weapon of goatfuckers the world over.

Yo, muhammad, I can't find our F-16, so lets just blow some kids up with a car bomb. Allah Akbar!

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Car bomb

A fart in a car with closed windows. Especially deadly in the winter with the heat on.

Eric ripped a nasty car bomb on the way to the driving range last weekend. I was like, "Jesus! Did you just shit yourself?! Open the window, open the window!

👍123 👎177

Car bomb

Cheap, extremely intoxicating (thus fun inducing) alcoholic beverage. 1 pint guinness, half a shot of jameson and the other half of irish cream. You drink it by dropping the shot glass inside the pint, and IMMEDIATLY chugging the contents at once, if not the guinness will foam up and curdle, and you'll look like a fool. its also very cheap. too cheap. 3 will have you good. good for groups, get 3 of your boys together and at the count of 3 drop the shot glass in and drink, whoever is last to slam the empty glass, gets to buy the next round, or do something stupid.

hey keep, give us a car bomb....1, 2, 3.....AHHH!!!

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