Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Candy Man?

n. A sweet and innocent looking man that drives around his neighborhood to look for children or women to kidnap. They usually have a rainbow flag on the driver seat and offer you some candy before the kidnap.

This activity is all the rage in Adelaide. Never judge a book by it's cover!

Candy Van Man (driving by playing Lollipop - Lil Wayne in his van) : Hey kid want some candy?

Kid : YAY! *rushing to the van*

Candy Van Man: Gives the candy to the kid and pulls him into his van and drives away.

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Candy Man - video


Candy Man - what is it?

It is when a person does stuff for you that is fun but in the end really bad for you.

I am taking a break from dating. That last guy had me in candy man confusion. I don't trust myself anymore.

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What does "Candy Man" mean?

Nick-name for Michael Olowokandi

The Candy Man is unstoppable

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Candy Man - what does it mean?

1. This guy, who spams a lot, I mean, I'm talking spammage to the max here.

2. A man who has candy, and he lures little kids with it.

3. One who kills Sweds.

"Come here little kiddies, I have candy"-Candy Man

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Candy Man - meaning

a man that goes to candy land usually anyones name that begins with "G"

Man 1: yo did you hear gage is the candy man?
Man 2: awww thats dirty who would do such a thing??
Man 1: him, lasky, erik.....
Man 2: HAHAHA ROFL LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!

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Candy Man - definition

1. a male prostitute

2. a child molestor.


" hey i'm gonna go get a candy man for tonight to keep me company."

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Candy Man - slang

1. A doctor who prescribes a lot of anxiety medicines and/or pain pills, legally or illegally.

2. A doctor with an almost-gone rx pad.

You went to see the candy man Dr. Johnson and you didn't even bring back some Vicodin!?

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Candy Man

A person who's house you go to for drugs.

"Lets go see the candy man!"

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Candy Man

The Candy Man is the type of guy who will sit in a white van that says FREE CANDY. You will often see him outside of elementary schools, as toddlers are his preferred victim.

The Candy Man is considered a PEDO.
He often sports a PEDO stach and rocks the balding haircut.

"Yo did you see that candy man at that school the other day."
"Yeah that guys fucked up."

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Candy Man

one who brings candy to little boys and girls. his payment it the happiness of the litte kids.

ahhhhh, it's the candy man, hoooraaaah, yaaaay.

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