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What is candy land?

Fun Games that you play with your partner...

1. I was playing candy land with my girlfriend, and she went to peppermint forest with her tongue.

2. I stuck my cock in her ass and got molasses swamp.

3. Last night i was with my GF and her and i went to Candy Land and i got all her sweets.

👍67 👎39

candy land - video


Candy land - what is it?

The miracle land where all types of candy can be found. Some items are even made of candy. This candy can be the sweet, made of sugar kind, or the mind-fucking, only found in some parts of mexico kind.

Guy 1: Dude, I went to frickin' candy land last night.
Guy 2: Holy crap bro, how was it?
Guy 1: Totally trippy!

👍73 👎39