Definder - what does the word mean?


A stinkin ass pussy.

That slut has crotch rot.

👍75 👎87

CROTCH ROT - video


CROTCH ROT - what is it?

Herpes or anything that infests your junk.

"Dude i heard that chick gave steve a case of crotch rot"

👍71 👎77

What does "CROTCH ROT" mean?

A distinctly disgusting odor emitting from the junk of lazy and/or European dudes who are probably not circumcised or the snatch of dirty street-walking skanks who require a drip pan between their legs. Often identified by the large mass of flying insects buzzing around the crotch of said male or female. At it's worst, crotch rot can include the oozing/dripping of a greenish, highly toxic liquid.
A stomach-turning but highly effective form of birth control.

3 mile island landfill stank box

"Croshay is all kinds of nasty, dude. She got crotch rot again this week & her gash is so infected, it looks like those lips got too much botox. But, she done got rid of the roach problem in her apartment!"
"LaFonduh sat on my couch, and her crotch rot ate right through to the stuffing!"

👍35 👎19

CROTCH ROT - what does it mean?

dank smellin, paint peelin, dirty poon reakin, crotch scratchin extravaganza of uncomfortable lack of hygiene pootty nasty crotchyness

i wanted to do this girl one time, she opened her legs and i passed out from the smell of her crotch rot.

👍75 👎71

CROTCH ROT - meaning

The filmy, dark and smelly substance that accrues within the general area of one's genitalia; especially after a long, hot day that included heavy walking.

My fellow passengers on the elevator looked at me with disgust and crinkled their noses--my darn crotch rot was acting up again.

👍51 👎29

CROTCH ROT - definition

a term used best to describe the rotten odor escaping from the southern regions of a woman's anatomy (mainly either tanning bed overuse or genetically related.)

She claimed to be from Queens, but her crotch rot indicated Stanktopia was more likely the place of her origin

👍173 👎141

CROTCH ROT - slang

first of all crotch rot is the irritation in your groin region from walkin in hot weather and it forms when your legs and balls rub against eachother.

As Fred was walking out of the ocean the sand and salt that rubbed against his balls and legs caused him to get crotch rot.

👍235 👎179


Have you ever run a 10 K in 90 deg. weather and for got to put right guard on?? Sniff your pit and multiply that by 200. That's what Kris Millspaughs crotch rot smells like. It's a cross between a rotten armpit and a dead skunk.

A local fungus infection in the groing area. Most often caused by poor hygene.

Strong odor of caproic acid and/or urine.
For women add vaginal odor/fecal odor & odor of oxidized sperm in the sexually active.
Wash thoroughly, apply antifungal cream or powder ( powder preferred ) daily until gone. ( usually 2-3 days)

Dank smellin, paint peelin, dirty poon reakin, crotch scratchin extravaganza of uncomfortable lack of hygiene pootty nasty crotchyness

I wanted to do this girl one time, she opened her legs and I passed out from the smell of her crotch rot.

a pungent, stank smell that permiates from the crotch usually after a hard workout, or lack of a shower for several days, occurs in both males and females.

Damn, after running that mile yesterday I was experiencing SERIOUS crotch rot!!

I was high one night and Kris was getting tag teamed. When it came my turn up at bat, all I could smell was her CROTCH ROT.. So I put a clothes pin on my nose, rolled her over and fucked her up the ass(it was cleaner then her pussy - I can tell you that)!!

👍539 👎379


a pungent, stank smell that permiates from the crotch usually after a hard workout, or lack of a shower for several days, occurs in both males and females.

Damn, after running that mile yesterday I was experiencing SERIOUS crotch rot!!

👍263 👎117


A really bad and incredible disgusting smell coming from a woman's pussy or a man's groin area.

Bob has crotch rot everyday.

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