Definder - what does the word mean?


A growing euphemism for when a guy is bad at performing oral sex on a woman. Particularly, it refers to when a guy, in a desperate attempt to stimulate the clitoris of his female partner, tries to extend his mouth as far as possible towards the clitoris and then proceeds to perform ultimately unsatisfying or poorly-formed cunnilingus. The definition comes from the scene in SpongeBob Squarepants, where Squidward is trying a crabby patty for the first time. He extends his neck, shaking in fear, extends his jaw, and then takes one, quivering *bite* of the crabby patty.

Female A: How was your night with Ricky last night?
Female B: Eh, it was alright. The sex was normal, but he went down on me and it was really weird.
Female A: Oh, did he end up biting the crabby patty?
Female B: Yep, totally bit the crabby patty.

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CRABBY PATTY - what is it?

v. to make stacks of money. reference to crabby patties from spongebob. (phrase coined by the Rej3ctz in a song called cat daddy.

I'm making so much money I'm Stackin Crabby Patties.

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What does "CRABBY PATTY" mean?

someone u don't like or have the time for

that girl is such a crabby patty

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CRABBY PATTY - what does it mean?

When an individual, who has a crab tattooed on their ass, sticks their bare ass in someone else's face

Hey look! What's his face passed out on the couch!! I'm gonna give him a crabby patty.

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CRABBY PATTY - meaning

A female with crabs or with a nasty pussy has a Crabby Patty.

Daaaaamnnn!!!! you hear bout monica? she got that Crabby Patty.

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CRABBY PATTY - definition

AKA - Urinal Cake

"CRABBY PATTY" - The unusual foreign object you find in Mens Urinals

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A hamburger from In- N - Out. Secret-Secret Menu, with 2 buns covered in Thousand Island dressing, then grilled to create a magnificent burger. Limited time only.

"Can I get a crabby patty, I love that burger."

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Someone who comes to work EVERY day in a bad mood.

Sarah is such a crabby Patty

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A clump of cat urine (often found with one or more sewer pickles) in the plastic cat toliet if a clumping kitty litter is used. Gets its name from the Krabby Patty, a sandwich made at the Krusty Krab by SpongeBob SquarePants because it is often somewhat flattened and patty-shaped.

Note spelling; the Krabby Patty is generally known to be delectable -- you simply would not want to eat a clump of cat potty.

Mom, I only found one Crabby Pattie in Boots' litterbox this morning.

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the burgers that sponge bob makes at the crusty crab.

hey, sponge bob! where's my crabby patty?

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