Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CORN HOLE?

n.- The opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which bits of corn are eliminated from the body.

aka: bung-hole

"To soothe my 'corn hole' after taking painful shits, I use Preparation H!"

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CORN HOLE - video


CORN HOLE - what is it?


I stuck my penis in her corn hole.

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What does "CORN HOLE" mean?

To get bonked in the butt

George W. is cornholing the country!

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CORN HOLE - what does it mean?

a game that is normaly played between 2 men, and one of them leaves with a sore pail.

dude, those guys who play corn hole are a real pain in the ass..

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CORN HOLE - meaning

To stick your wang in her ass

Dude I corn holed his wife last night.

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CORN HOLE - definition

Corn Hole is a serious toss game played in leauges on the West Side of Cincinnati Ohio. The game and targets are very similar to Bag'O, a commercial game frome the East Coast U.S..

My buddies from Delhi a I get together on the weekends to drink beer and play Corn Hole.

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CORN HOLE - slang

Just another word for ass hole.

I turned her over and did her in the "corn hole"

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anus, ass pipe, chocolate factory, exit, turd squirter, shit hole, butthole, you get the picture

After being in prison for three years I can say with complete honesty that my corn hole has seen better days.

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American Slang for the anus. Originated from the use of corn husks as primitive toilet paper in Colonial days. Mainly used in the South and Midwest.

Man One: Agghhh! My corn hole itches like hell!
Man Two: Dude, wipe your ass better next time!

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1. The past tense for the act of committing anal sex

"Bob's been in prison for like 8 months man."
"Yeah, he got corn holed on like day 1 and has been some other prisoners bitch from then onward."

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