Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CHENG?

Words of Leng and Peng were boring and dead so a new one was made

gheeee that gyal is chengggg
yewwww that was cheng
that looks chengggg man

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CHENG - meme gif

CHENG meme gif

CHENG - video


CHENG - what is it?

6'12 pure muscle basketball god autocummer. Loves big asses and round boyz. Always win in mahjong and has a very hot sister.

"Hes about to 13 ๅนบ!!! CHENG! CHENG! CHENG! CHENG!"

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What does "CHENG" mean?

chung/choong and peng

dat boi iz cheng!!
dat gyal iz cheng!!

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CHENG - what does it mean?

techmaster fixes or hacks the school mainframe of the FBI

oliver chenged it.

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CHENG - meaning

Slang for cocaine used in UK

Got an 8 ball of grade cheng mate, lets get sniffin

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CHENG - definition

With her thick sexy hair, she could slay any man, but she chooses not to as she is a lesbian, of the finest lesbian. Most of the time she has a best freinds, thats salty about things, from kindergarten, even though its been years since.

Chenges are commonly Hungarian, and love anime, which sometimes, SOMETIMES, makes them a disappointment.

"See that lesbian over there, she's such a Chenge and a bitchy one at that."

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CHENG - slang

Cheng is a classification of an asian who is often awkwardly social, yet is able to maintain more friends than any swagfag. Cheng, which like most chinese people, often has parents that make him get A's, and drive horribly. Stereotypically a Cheng does not give a **** and will do what he wants in any racist or offensive mannar yet is accepted and promoted by others. Besides being socially sucessful a Cheng can also be used to obtain work last minute, unless Cheng didn't do it cause he was so ****** wasted the night before.

Dude, did you see Cheng this morning? I have to finish my math homework.
I think he's wasted from that party last night, dude you should have seen the way he fucked off the cops then fucked some bitches.

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a pimp that get all the chick without effort

why cant i be a cheng. FCK!!

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The action of stabbing someone

Jordan: did you hear about Ryan

Jack: nah bro

Jordan: he got chenged by Callum and them man

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Yorkshire slang for being wasted on crack cocaine or heroin. Same definition as gauching.

I saw that bleddy crank chenging it out on the rocks last night!

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