Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CHAA?


chaa-ching badabing! cockalaching

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CHAA - meme gif

CHAA meme gif

CHAA - video


CHAA - what is it?

The word everyone should say in anytime of an odd silence.

Invented by Ben and Emma, the kick ass cousins!

So you're dating my boyfriend...

(Ten minutes later)


👍31 👎27

What does "CHAA" mean?

its like shortening cha dude which was shortened (or mispronounced) from yeah dude!

if you were gonna say it but you didnt know how, it would probably be spelt (in pronouncing version):
chiah dah

(note: do not pronounce like chia from those chia pet commercials because then youll just sound stupid)

Buddy: dude this rocks!!!!

you:chaa daa

👍27 👎13

CHAA - what does it mean?

a nasty, dirty, unwashed vagina in wich a sour glaze is then left on ur face if accidentally gone down and attempted to eat a chick out

Yo last night my hott ass girlfreind didnt shower after feild hockey practice and allowed me to go down and attempt to eat her pussy...WTF blahhhhhhhhhh that pussy smelled like mayo and fish and glazed up my face, and im scard for life and wnt attempt to evr eat pussy again, nasty btch clean your sour chaa

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CHAA - meaning

A sound made to denote money coming in.

I just won fifty dollars. Cha-CHING!

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CHAA - definition


Is he hot?
Like, Chaa!

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CHAA - slang


Davy Jones- Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow?

Paris Hilton- Chaa

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korean excellence, the highest ranking of amazing a single person can achieve

"Wow that guy over there is such a chaa, he is feeding the homeless and is giving out free movie tickets!"

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Obsolete. Archaic. "Yes"

Seaman: Would you like a bit o' me cod?
Alewife: Chaa!

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