Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CALVARY?

noun: a time zone found in Calvary Chapel schools which throw off all plans of meeting friends and being on time to important events on time. Can be found frustrating when used as an excuse for being late to school, and you recieve a lovely little yellow slip after all efforts to get out of being late.

Kid: But my alarm was set to the correct time!
Office Person: Well it should've been set to Calvary Chapel Time, and you know it.
Kid: ... you guys suck, I know you do this on purpose...
(Admininstrator walks in from survellance room)
Admin: He knows too much...

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CALVARY - meme gif

CALVARY meme gif

CALVARY - video


CALVARY - what is it?

A cage of misery and despair located in Lansdale, PA.
A cesspool of conservative, fundamentalist, self-righteous, ignorant assholes.

North Penn Kid: Hey, you go to Calvary, right?

Calvary Baptist School Kid: Please don't talk to me, you are of the world, and they tell me world is evil! You believe in EVILution and believe monkeys "evolved" into man over BILLIONS of years. Monkeys can't even live a billion years! How come we cant speak monkey? If we did evolve from monkeys then how come babies aren't born monkeys? I am 100% pro-life, unless we're talking about capital punishment, in which case I am 100% pro-death! If u have sex before marriage then in God's eyes u are married to that person. If a man rapes a woman, in Gods eyes they are married, it sucks for the girl but what can we do lol! There are NO exceptions to abortion whatsoever. It is God's will that the woman was impregnated, and therefore she must birth the child! If she was in fact raped, she must play the hand that was dealt to her, accept it as God's Will, and raise the interracial baby as her own. A woman wants to abort a rape child? She should have thought of that before she walked down that dark alley without a male present, not to mention she should have thought before putting on revealing attire. In the real world homosexuals (especially males) are generally predatory perverts who wouldn't think twice about bedding a 14 yo boy. You want to think that "Will and Grace" is a realistic picture of homosexuality. You're wrong. It doesn't show the incredibly widespread depression, drug use, disease and utter depravity of the homosexual fetish community....blah blah blah bullshit bullshit...

North Penn Kid: I'll take that as a yes...

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What does "CALVARY" mean?

A calvary composed of bears, which cannot be beaten.

If confronted, be prepared for rapage.

Person 1: Look at all those bears coming towards us!
Person 2: Dear God... it's the bear calvary.
Person 3: OSHI-

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CALVARY - what does it mean?

A tweet to Trump on January 6, from one of his supporters, who possibly meant "The Cavalry is Coming". Calvary is the hill where Jesus was crucified. Trump replied "A great honor!"

The words "The calvary is coming, Mr. President", filled Biblical scholar and stable genius Donald Trump with hope that his salvation was imminent.

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CALVARY - meaning

the heavy troops, the guys with the toys.
the better army members with better equipment than what the lessers that are described as cannon fodder.

wew we took out the fronts its time to call in the calvary
cannon fodder

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CALVARY - definition

The definition of hotness, attractiveness, coolness, and awesomeness. Every hot girl chases after him, but he will only go after girls that are both beautiful and with a deep heart and kindness and personality. :D The best friend to anyone who is a good, cool person to hang around. Also, he happens to be an evangelical Christian (hence his name, but that doesn't mean that Jesus is all he talks about. That's a common misconception about Christians. All around a cool, great guy.

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Oh, did you hear about Calvary?

Boy/Boyfriend: Wat? Huh? Calvary... Oh, I think I've heard of that. Isn't that like the hill where Christ was crucified upon? I saw a Church while driving here.

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Well, yeah I guess, but it's also this dude I know. He's like, sooooooooo hot.

Boy/Boyfriend: OOOOH Really, well if you like him so much, why don't you just break up with me?

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Fine! We're through. I'll go date him now.

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CALVARY - slang

The wrong fucking way to say cavalry

The calvary charged at the infantry...

Fucking NOT

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The definition of hotness, attractiveness, coolness, and awesomeness. Every hot girl chases after him, but he will only go after girls that are both beautiful and with a deep heart and kindness and personality. :D The best friend to anyone who is a good, cool person to hang around. Also, he happens to be an ultraconservative evangelical Christian (hence his name, but that doesn't mean that Jesus is all he talks about. That's a common misconception about Christians. All around a cool, great guy.

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Oh, did you hear about Calvary?

Boy/Boyfriend: Wat? Huh? Calvary... Oh, I think I've heard of that. Isn't that like the hill where Christ was crucified upon? I saw a Church while driving here.

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Well, yeah I guess, but it's also this dude I know. He's like, sooooooooo hot.

Boy/Boyfriend: OOOOH Really, well if you like him so much, why don't you just break up with me?

Hot Girl/Girlfriend: Fine! We're through. I'll go date him now.

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The hill where Jesus was crucified...and took on all the sin of the world...

Thank God for Calvary...

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Calvary or Golgotha (English pronunciation: /ΛˆΙ‘Ι’lΙ‘Ι™ΞΈΙ™/) was the site, outside of ancient Jerusalem’s early first century walls, at which the crucifixion of Jesus occurred. Calvary and Golgotha are the English names for the site used in Western Christianity.1
Golgotha is the Greek transcription given by the New Testament, of an Aramaic title, which has traditionally been presumed to be GΓ»lgaltΓ’ (but see below for an alternative); the Bible glosses it as place of the skull β€” ΞšΟΞ±Ξ½Ξ―ΞΏΟ… Ξ€ΟŒΟ€ΞΏΟ‚ (Kraniou Topos) in Greek, and Calvariae Locus in Latin, from which we get Calvary.
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why can't this example be blank, huh?


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