Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bög?

F@ggot in Swedish, exept it’s not that mean if you say it to someone.

-Tja bög! (’Sup f@g)
-Heej bögjävel, hur mår du? (Heey f@ggot, how ru?)

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Bög - meme gif

Bög meme gif

Bög - video


Bög - what is it?


Charlie is a bög

👍25 👎11

What does "Bög" mean?

A pile that is created when a bunch of gay humans lay in each other

Guy 1: “hey do you guys wanna lay in a pile?”

Guy 2: “You mean a Bög Hög?”

Guy 3: “FUCK YEA BÖG HÖG!!!”

👍25 👎11

Bög - what does it mean?

En homosexuell kille/man

Jack: Jag är bög
Nils: Ok... vill då typ... följa med till stan senare och jag vet inte... kanske se en film???

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Bög - meaning

its not very bög of u to use bög without knowing what it means,go home

example:bög is "thot ass bög wings'"property and we mad!!

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Bög - definition

Swedish for faggot

Drick min kuksås, bög.
Drink my cum, faggot.

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Bög - slang

Bög means gay/homosexual in swedish.

"Du är bög", means "You are gay".

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