Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Buna?

You arrive at the BAC exam, turn the page around and and see the first exercise: write a synonym for the expression "de buna seama"(of good mind, no, that's not what it means) after you learned 16 essays of 400 words each and of course you go fuck yourself.

De buna seama, ma ridic increzator, sigur pe faptul ca "de bunavoie" este sinonim cu "de buna seama".
Of course, i stand up confident thinking that " willingly " is a synonym for "de buna seama".
De buna seama, iau in toamna.

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Buna - meme gif

Buna meme gif

Buna - video


Buna - what is it?

An Albanian girl that's hot and looks resemble that of a goddess. Her warmth, positivity and good brains are one in a million, thus if you meet a Buna treasure her and be amazed that she decided to befriend you.

Wow, she's so amazing at reading. She must be a Buna!

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What does "Buna" mean?

(noun:) A dance done by two patriots in a German beer garden on July 4th.

""Oh, you love America? Great. I love America too. Lets chug our PBR's and go bunas together in this German beer garden."

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Buna - what does it mean?

A girl that is really hot and you fancy a fuck with her

Eugenia e o fata buna de pula!

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Buna - meaning

a less profane word for the word "pussy"

steve: damn i was in hollister and i went to go try on these rad green pants and this chick who was wearing a skirt w/ no underwear bent over in front of me and i totally saw her BUNA! was awesome

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Buna - definition

The feeling of sitting down on a warm toilet seat in a public restroom.

Jesus, it was so buna when I sat down on that public toilet seat.

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Buna - slang

A very unique, weird and an amazing girl who is misunderstood by almost everyone. She has a quiet and crazy side to her that just makes her family and other people who she is close to love her. She is witty, funny and has a great sense of style. Her obsession with pink is crazy and she has a beautiful picture on how she wants the world 🌍 to be. Her life purpose is to make the world a better place and she loves SYRE people.

OMG, I love your personality, you are such a Buna

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A small, hick town in Texas. Some love it, some hate it. It's all how one looks at it. Everyone knows everyone. Don't try to keep secrets in Buna, Texas, cause people WILL fnd out about it.

"Hey, I went to Buna, Texas today"

"Really? I can tell."


"You're wearing a 10 gallon hat and talking like John Wayne."

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"Jail-house food". Ramen noodles with no broth mixed with mayonnaise and tuna. Buna originated from commissary products while incarcerated. Easiest homemade tasting casserole, made from the cheapest food products. Eaten in mid-Atlantic states of USA. (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, DC, New York, Virginia, West Virginia)

Buna, dinner under $5.

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Buna is a Romanian word for "good". It is mandatory to learn when you go to Romania.

Frank: Good morning!
Vladimir: Buna dimineata!
Frank: What does that mean?
Vladimir: It means "Good morning".

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