Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bumble Fuck?

6 black people and 6 Asian people all fucking while shaking rapidly creating a buzz from the movement

Last night my neighbor was bumble bee fucking I could hear the buzz from my house

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Bumble Fuck - video


Bumble Fuck - what is it?

A generic location which produces Bumble Fucks (A person who displays complete incompetency). A commen phrase for high schools in the middle of nowhere.

#1: Where's that asshole go to school?
#2: Probably Bumble Fuck Prep

👍33 👎27

What does "Bumble Fuck" mean?

Just another way of saying bumble fuck or bfe. It means even more out of the way than regular Bumble Fuck, being as it's East bumble fuck. Said by pretentious college students, usually.

It took me ages to get here because I just parked in East Bumble Fuck.

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Bumble Fuck - what does it mean?

Bumble Fuck: noun
Meaning: A rural/small town area that few people will ever know, or hear about.

I live in the middle of no where.
I live in bumble fuck, Pennsylvania.

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Bumble Fuck - meaning

Combination of two phrases, the first being "Bumbling Idiot" and the second being "Fuck Up." Making the combined definition of the two: an individual who lacks coordination and social graces thus imparing them in such a way that their actions cause catastrophe.

Officer Number One: Did you see Johnson shoot that gun in fully automatic on the range and trip and take out a whole convoy on accident, I mean JESUS!
Officer Number Two: Yeah, what a damn Bumble Fuck.

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Bumble Fuck - definition

A lil titty fuck type of person

Casey: I shoved a log in my asshole

Harrison: ur a bumble fuck

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Bumble Fuck - slang

A very attractive successful young man usually from the south .

Hey how’s the bumble fuck doing

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Bumble Fuck

A mess-up or situation that is worse then a Fuck Up but not as bad as a Cluster Fuck

Guy 1: What the hell just happened?

Guy 2: This whole thing is a Bumble Fuck

Guy 3: It could be worse, it could've been a total clusterfuck

Guy 1 & 2: True, True

👍55 👎41

Bumble Fuck

an exaggerrated term for, middle of fucking nowhere

We are in the Bumble Fuck of Texas, El Paso

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Bumble Fuck

a place in the middle of nowhere

They sent me out to east bumble-fuck

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