Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BrE?

A BB that everyone wants to be with, (a.k.a. Bad Bitch). Straight Edge, who doesn't need to impress others because everyone already knows she is the best. A good friend that you could only hope for. A sweet, pretty, fun loving girl, that i'm proud to call one of my best friends. love you breezy <3

dude number 1: Omg look! there's the sun!

dude number 2: the what?

dude number 1: the Sun, aka, bre?!

dude number 2: why would you call her "the sun"?

dude number 1: because she's so hot! :)

👍481 👎211

BrE - meme gif

BrE meme gif

BrE - video


BrE - what is it?

Bres can't be that sexual, or share any of that interest, but then all of a sudden there's that hot sexy voice with a very wrong and dirty question spoken and after that you begin to rethink all you know about Bres.

"Dang it, with a Bre around, it's hard to ignore that question."
"Wow, Bre, I never knew you could say something like that"

👍47 👎15

What does "BrE" mean?

A Sexy, strong willed, Passionate, Very sexual, compassionate person who will do most anything for her friends & Family. If you have the chance to be with a Bre, Don't pass it by. You'll regret you made that choice.

"Bre was the best thing that ever happened to me!"

👍1619 👎705

BrE - what does it mean?

Beautiful, talented girl who is amazing in bed; loves being on top. Loves helping people whenever possible and does a damn good job at it. Will go out of her way to make anyone happy. Gives hugs more than the average person breathes. She's practically perfect, anyone would be lucky to know her because she makes everyone's day brighter with her beautiful smile. She's an ideal girlfriend and knows how to satisfy her man.

Without her the world would go dark and everyone would die.

"Wow, i really need a Bre in my life!"

👍1031 👎385

BrE - meaning

the name of the sexiest damn girls that walk the earth

bre is so fuckin mint

👍2711 👎1053

BrE - definition

A beautiful talented women a great mother to her kids and loves to give even if she doesn't have it herself puts her kids first then family and will definitely beat ur ass over hers and is in love with someone that she has recently been in a relationship with and always willing to lead a hand she also thinks she can dance but she is very fashionable every time she goes somewhere

Bre is just fantastic 😍.

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BrE - slang

Another word for bro used in germany

Kranke Schuhe bre.

👍79 👎17


A beautiful girl who is always confused no matter what. She will look around and say "I'm lost". She laughs a lot.

Bre is so funny.

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A girl who is a good lover, and who easily falls in love with the wrong person. Who knows what she is worth and who's mood can go from happy to mad/sad real quick. Who can see a fake bitch a mile away and who yo boyfriend be textin;) She can beat a bitch ass in 2.5 sec while still looking flawless at the end. Shes very talented,beautiful,and an amazing actress. She is worth keeping so fellas if you got her keep her. You'll regret letting her go.

Bro I think I'm in love with bre. She amazing. I want her:)

👍735 👎105


Serbian word that you can basically add gazillions of times in a sentence for absolutely no reason.

Something like American ''yo''.

You can't define this word.

Alo bre nemoj da me prcas pedercino. A bre ima ti jebem sve zivo i nezivo si cuo bre?

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