Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Boofy?

That one guy that’s tall as hell and no one likes His names probaby will or something

Aye boofy

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Boofy - meme gif

Boofy meme gif

Boofy - video


Boofy - what is it?

"Poorly trimmed" weed.

Man, Yanall's weed be boofy as fuck.

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What does "Boofy" mean?

The worst of any situation, person, relationship, interaction,food, etc. Anything or anyone that is boofy is not good.

How was the food? Boofy
She made me stand outside and wait for her. I was out there over an hour. Boofy.
I had to play with the Boofy controller

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Boofy - what does it mean?

Boofy is something that claim to be what it is but it really aint

Niggas: mane this that mf za!
Me: nigga Ian buying that boofy shit

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Boofy - meaning

Meaning poofy or big sometimes occures depending of the weather conditon

-Mrs.Metkas 1st.period class HBMS Roswell GA

Wow her hair is so boofy!

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Boofy - definition

Something that is ghetto or "bo-bo"

-"Man check out those rims"

-"Shits boofy"

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Boofy - slang

You are goofy and a bitch

You are a boofy ass nigga

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Boofy (adj)
A word used to illustrate intense poofiness.
Usually utilised in the description of hair.

The 80's was a partcullarly 'boofy' era

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Something that is extremely cute, so much so that just looking at something 'boofy' makes you wants to act violent towards it such as squeeze or bite it.

Person 1: Take a look at this rubber duck
Person 2: It's so boofy!

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Lame and Fake asf

Yo , he boofy as hell for tryin to shake up with himcafter he was just talkin mad shit

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