Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Boces?

A mental. Stands for Board Of Cooperative Educators but really means mental.

Dude, that dude's a boce.

👍51 👎43

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Boces - what is it?

Noun, plural in construction but singular in usage. Originates from the acronym "Board Of Cooperative Educational Services," (or something similar), a 'special education' system often used to educate mentally-retarded people (frequently children, but occasionally brain-damage victims) as much as one possibly could, which, typically, isn't much. The acronym eventually became a term to describe any person so enrolled in one of these systems, and through logical extension, a an insult to suggest that they are as intelligent and mentally competent as a person enrolled in a BOCES system.

"Jim is such as boces, he can't even turn on the computer correctly."
"Our teacher is a real BOCES. It took him 20 minutes to get the VCR running."

👍83 👎63

What does "Boces" mean?

verb noun adjective A retard or someone who acts retarded. Many boces coexist in hiding and denial with regular and intelligent people. Boce Brian (Double B) is possibly the founder of this new sect of homosapiens, being so retarded as to jump off a moving motorcycle just because I told him to.

Boce Brian
verb - that kid is bocing (boesing) out.
noun - Look at that boce over there.
adjective - look at that boce-ass kid drooling on himself over there.

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Boces - what does it mean?

Basically hogwarts for aliens and social rejects, many species belong to BOCES locations such as Toothgapians, Longnoseians and Robots

Jordan: yooo! I just got accepted into BOCES!
Ian: wow you’ll fit right in with the giant tooth gap

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Boces - meaning

A program where kids go if they aren't able to socialize and make friends. They are discriminated against in school and constantly made fun of, and always assumed to have inferior academic capacities.

I've been stuck in boces since 1993, and contemplated suicide so often because of it.

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Boces - definition

someone who acts in a weird or strange manner or does not act normal (pronounced Bosee)kids in New York state used this term in elementary school in the 60's, 70's and 80's

that guy over there picks his nose and eats it. "what a Boces"

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Boces - slang

Noun: one who is mentally slow. synnonym: Idiot

Stop being a Boce, rob!

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An insult developed from the special education department B.O.C.E.S. , it is a word that people use to insult people who are mentally challenged, or people who just act stupid. Its creation was based on the idea that people who attended BOCES were the "boces" either unaware or not-caring of the fact the the "S" on the end of "BOCES" is actually a part of the acronym, not the kind of "s" on the end of a word that makes it plural. The insult isn't always used to put down "slow" people, however. Sometimes it's just used as a general insult. If someone being annoying they may sometimes be called boces. It is also sometimes mistakenly pronounced "boass"(bəʊs), not pronouncing the "e" on account of the fact that most words spelt like "boce" don't pronounce the "e" such as "dose", "close", "hose" and "rose". They are pronounced as if the "e" isn't even there.

Stop being such a boce, John!

Ha-ha, that kid's a boce!

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Origin: New Paltz, NY{Boesee}A mentally retarded person (it is possible for a boce to be in regular school classes)

Joe Morse is a boce!

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A really sped retarded school that teachers have things stuck up their ass giving dumb ass consequences every hour

Hey look boces

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