Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cooperative?

Cooper is tee most amazing guy you will ever meet. He has all the girls crushing on him, and he flirts with them too. But he usually is only thinking about one girl all the time, the girl he truly cares for. If you hurt the people he loves, then you better watch your back. He’s the class clown, who can make a person smile within a few seconds of talking to them. Cooper has a dark secret on the inside, but covers up the sadness with his humour. His blue eyes and blonde hair have the girls come running. If you ever meet a Cooper, NEVER let him go for as long as you live. Love Cooper with everything you have.

Wow, that guys SUPER funny!
Yeah, the name Cooper fits him!

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Cooperative - meme gif

Cooperative meme gif

Cooperative - video


Cooperative - what is it?

Someone who a really thick and long cock. He screams sexyness

He must be a cooper if that's his dick

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What does "Cooperative" mean?

a really cool guy who is awesome to be around. His great body is rivaled only by his charm. He is not good at spelling. He's the guy who always answers the door when domino's knocks.

"Daddy, can i be as cool as Cooper when i grow up?"
"You wish"

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Cooperative - what does it mean?

cooper is the best guy you’ll ever find. he knows how to light up your day. he helps anyone that needs it and is always there for you. if you date a cooper, you’ll always miss him and his smile, his laugh and his kindness. man, everyone wants to date a cooper.

cooper is great.

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Cooperative - meaning

if you know a Cooper, you are very lucky.. Cooper is usually tall and has blue eyes, he isnt the best looking, though. Cooper is the realest, coolest, funniest, most true person you will ever meet. He will also be the best boyfriend you will EVER have! You can trust him with anything.. he will never tel anybody if you dont want him to. Cooper is usually lonely and has never really had a girlfriend for some reason they just want him as a buddy.. I feel bad for him, GIRLS GET ON THIS MAN!!

Lmaoo Cooper you are my bestfriend.. you are soo funny!

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Cooperative - definition

(adj.) Heavily inebriated to the point of experiencing age regressive fantasies in reality.

Person A: "Man, last night was so fun! I got everyone at the bar to play hide and go seek with me."

Person B: "Christ you were COOPERED. Never happened bro."

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Cooperative - slang

Cooper is very close to you.

Cooper - I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls

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Cooper says fuck off

Cooper fucking hates you

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A business model where hipster-doofii delude themselves into thinking that the Marxist Utopian fantasies they learned about in college from their hippie professors are capable of overriding economic realities. Since management of Co-Ops is typically run by individuals who are incapable of managing their own lives, they are usually doomed to failure.

Dude, the River Bend Grocery Cooperative is closing down. Aww man, it just opened six months ago.

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A living arrangement where residents own an equal share of their home and work together to sustain their lifestyle. Cooperative Living arrangements stress people before profit, environmentally sustainable living, and the importance of community. Individuals who reside in a Cooperative are referred to as "Coopers" and come from all races, religions, socioeconomic statuses, and social groups. Many Cooperatives are students cooperatives, such as the MSU SCH and ICC of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Dude: Hey where do you guys live?
Co-oper: We live in a Cooperative
Dude: Sounds Swell
Co-oper: You bet! We own it!

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