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What is Blue the dog?

ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms that often present in dogs, usually in blue staffies, as intense over arousal in the presence of even just mild stimuli.

My dog Buddy’s blue dog syndrome makes his brain melt when sees another dog 100 yards away

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Blue the dog - video


Blue the dog - what is it?

1. A politician who represents corporate interests and wealthy individuals rather than the interests of middle and working class Americans and chooses to run as a Democrat rather than Republican either because his state or district will not elect a Republican or he has convinced the wealthy he would do a better job protecting their money than the GOP alternative. 2. A Democrat who puts the interests of corporations and wealthy individuals ahead of the progressive ideals of the Democratic Party and ahead of even the success of the party as a whole. 3. A Democrat who calls himself a moderate when in fact he is an extremist in protecting moneyed interest and is to the right of the overwhelming majority of the American people and even his own constituents.

The difference between a Republican and a Blue Dog Democrat is the same as that between an Almond Joy and a Mounds. Republicans have nuts (religious & gun-toting racists), Blue Dogs don't.

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What does "Blue the dog" mean?

A centrist democrat that is more moderate than your typical left-wing democrat, but not quite conservative enough to be classified as a republican.

Democrats from red states can sometimes be considered "blue dogs". However, the democrat party of today has moved so far to the left that those who are still closer to the center may also be classified as such.

A blue dog democrat typically has moderate views. They might support toughening border security, but also support granting amnesty to illegal immigrants already inside the country.
They are often more pro-gun than their liberal counterparts. Some of them can be pro-life or oppose same-sex marriage. But like most Democrats, they often want to expand education funding, protect funding for government programs, and raise the minimum wage.

The views of a Blue Dog Democrat can vary quite widely (it's possible to have two Blue Dogs that disagree on a lot of things) but in general, they are liberal to moderate on fiscal and economical issues, and moderate to conservative on social issues.

For example: Dan Lipinski, Collin Peterson, John Bel Edwards, Joe Manchin.

"Are you stupid? How you gonna be against gun control and support Kavanaugh and you a Democrat?"

"Yeah but I'm a Blue Dog Democrat"

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Blue the dog - what does it mean?

A Blue Dog Democrat is so-called because of the character Dino on the cartoon television show The Flintstones. Dino was a blue dog, and the letters DINO stand for "Democrat In Name Only."

Blue Dog Democrats are also sometimes called "Reagan Democrats." They are conservative, rather than progressive, and have a tendency to align themselves with GOP policies in matters of taxation and spending.

The Blue Dog Democrats are standing in the way of true healthcare reform.

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Blue the dog - meaning

The blue flame which is emitted when igniting a fart.

Joe was creating some serious blue-dogs after eating all of those spicy tacos.

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Blue the dog - definition

slang for a police officer, less controversial than calling them pigs, but holds more disdain than just calling them a cop.
"blue" from the color of their uniform, "dog" for several reasons, including their use of drug sniffing dogs and police dogs, they are expected to follow orders, they can be violent, sniffing their noses in people's business, etc. etc.

A: man some blue dog pointed a gun at my brother just cause he was walkin around his own neighborhood!

A: hey man how's it goin? you get any trouble from blue dogs lately?
B: nah man, there's nothin on me for those hounds to sniff out anyway

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Blue the dog - slang

Almost relieving your bowels, but being prevented from doing so at the last minute.

Blue balls for bowel movements.

I was prairie dogging it to the bathroom when I pulled on the door and it was locked. Now I'm blue dogging it.

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Blue the dog

A type of strain of Marijuana. Related closely to OG or Chem-dog. Usually dusky green and tan in color. Very keefy. Chem Dog 2D X Blueberry hybrid sativa species, indica subspecies.

Let's cross Chem dawg and Blueberry. Yeah, we'll call it blue-dog.That will be the dankest pot EVER!

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Blue the dog

A disease that causes the males genital area to turn blue and release a discharge; usually from rough sex, or having sex with a woman that has blue waffle.

My penis is blue man, that chick must have given me blue hot dog.

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Blue the dog

The cutest most lovable and cuddly dog you will ever meet. He’s very energetic and never fails to put a smile on your face. His tail continues to wiggle for infinity and beyond. His nickname is bluie-nay-nay and mr.wiggles.

I love blue the dog he’s my bluie-nay-nay!

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