Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Blingy?

Clingy but for bre

Clingy for the blingy

👍25 👎11

Blingy - meme gif

Blingy meme gif

Blingy - video


Blingy - what is it?

A sexy fun blond wearing tight jeans with bedazzled pockets

Wow check out that Blingy butt.

👍29 👎13

What does "Blingy" mean?

People so dark they shine like bling.

Akon is so dark he shines like bling which makes him what some call blingy blackie.

👍35 👎11

Blingy - what does it mean?

Someone who dyes their hair from blonde to ginger.


A mixture between blonde and ginger, or strawberry blonde.

Becca used to be such a pretty blonde, but now she's a blingie!

Person 1: I can't tell what her hair color is!!!!
Person 2: She's a blingie

👍27 👎13

Blingy - meaning

Describes something shiny or smooth.It might be gold or other types of jewelry.

Mr.Kersh-Oliva's head is blingy.
That guy's head is soo blingy people thought it was the sun.*Mr.Kersh-Oliva*

👍47 👎33

Blingy - definition

Used to express something stunning, shiny, and model-like.

Dolly-omg my high heels are so blingy
News lady-not as blingy as mine sister 😌

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Blingy - slang

Shining, glistening, sparkling,

your diamonds (jewels, gems) are very bright are blinded me. Also known as Bling bling.

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