Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bizzle j?

The ganster rap alias of Proffessor Jim Balfour, most widly known for his hard hitting lyrics about bending moments, laid down on phat beats.

Not to be confused with similar structural ganster J. Schizzle.

Did you hear J. Bizzles freestyle in class the other day?

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Bizzle j - video


Bizzle j - what is it?

Light skin Bieber

Shit that new song with J Bizzle goes hard.

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What does "Bizzle j" mean?

Slang for a jager bomb. Sometimes reduced to "bizzle".

You ready for another J-bizzle yet? I need a pick-me-up.

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Bizzle j - what does it mean?

A blow job

My flipapaynyo girlfriend is aight. She can't speak English for shit but gives great j bizzle.

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Bizzle j - meaning

A Joint

Dude, Make that J Bizzle already!

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Bizzle j - definition

Marijuana or weed something you smoke and get high off of

Example 1: im bout 2 go buy some bizzle j

Example 2: Damn That Bizzle j is banging

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