Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Benish?

Someone who continues to complain about everything all the time no matter what

Why am I getting a sole owner of Mr. in a trailer park that is benish

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Benish - video


Benish - what is it?

An amazing talented person, she's the life of the party the one everyone wants to be around. She's there when you need her and she cares for almost anyone her heart is purer then any others seen before she makes the guys stop as she walks by she loves music and is a love able outgoing girl if you meet a Shaylynn Benish you need to keep her.

Wow did you just see that..? I think that was a Shaylynn Benish

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What does "Benish" mean?

Occurs when a fully-clothed man sitting in a living room incoherently unbuttons his pants and sprays a parabolic stream of urine from his penis

The stain on the carpet was not Cherry Pepsi after all; apparently in my drunken state, I created a Benish Fountain, and pissed all over the table and floor.

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Benish - what does it mean?

Small man creature with troll like hair, smelly feet and grey/blue eyes. Will often wear green waistcoats, carry pocket watches and wander arond forests - collecting feathers and singing loudly.

"What a benish he was! wandering the forest!"
"He's got enough feathers to be a benish!"
"hmm...he looks like a benish, but he'll do!"

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Benish - meaning

is a beautiful girl also giantly tall everyone loves her she has a best friend named izzy benish is such a great friend and so honost and clueless she is not so smart in math but is super cool always says like!!! alot (: and cute to boys

(boy1) ohhhhhhhh damn she so fine that benish

(boy2) i know dude like why u crushing on my gurl
(boy1) dude shes not yos yet
(boy2) she will be (: hahahahhahaha lol !!!! u just got burned

(boy1) shutup dude shes not interested and yes im speaking for her you gotta problem
(boy2) ya!
(boy1) what!?????
(boy2) ur an idiot dude!

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Benish - definition

the epitome of beauty, when something is so gorgeous it becomes unreal, can also be used for someone with large breasts or a curvaceous body like that of a Goddess

that new chick is hot... but she aint no benish

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Benish - slang

Being "benned" is when someone is totally f**ked and unable to conrol themself. either being a mix of Drink, Grass, Pills. you are said to be "BENISH"

" Lets ditch Ben hes total "benish" "

Oh ya f***r I feel benned "

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(Adverb) - To pass your work off to someone else

Oh watch he is going to try and Benish me before he leaves

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(Adj.) The word Benish can be used to describe something pretty and nice, yet overpriced. Something that is β€œBenish” is expensive and something few can afford.

β€œThat vineyard vines shirt is sooo Benish”

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The prettiest girl out there, inside and out. The moon gets jealous of her beautiful face. Her lashes brush me away, the bowed brows that have sent an arrow towards this heart, her eyes filled life, the wavy hair that looks better than the waves of the ocean, the sweet smile, the clear heart, and with a wit that makes your jaw drop. Far or near, she will always be near the heart.

I love Benish

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