Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bend the Knee?

To "bend yo knees" is to run, simply just running or run away

Guy 1: Dont bend yo knees when we spin the block.

Opp: Aint nobody finna bend knees!!!

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Bend the Knee - video


Bend the Knee - what is it?

A way to express mild to extreme confusion (or offense) at someone else's words. Identical usage to excuse me. First coined by a DJ.

Wow, that is one great booty!

Beg Your Parents On A Bended Knee ?


Beg Your Parents On A Bended Knee?

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What does "Bend the Knee" mean?

To get bumbed by your dead nan

God you got bend a knee

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Bend the Knee - what does it mean?

an act that requires one to get on a knee while giving the hang loose sign and placing various objects on the body.

He did a bended knee on top of the dumpster while balancing a Coke on his head.

The frequency of bended knees was common at the party last weekend.

A group of friends gathered around the fireplace to perform a bended knee.

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Bend the Knee - meaning

When a person gets on one knee and proposes to another; the act of asking for one person's hand in marriage.

Valentine was on bended knee for Ziggy Pop in the middle of a flash mob dancing to "Marry Me".

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Bend the Knee - definition

When someone needs to politely tell others that they have to go take a shit.

Ya I'll be right back, I just have to go bend my knees.

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Bend the Knee - slang

1. Act of submission.
2. Act of obeying to the Kaleesi, the unburnt, the qween of Mereen.

1. "When will you bend the knee Jon Snow ?!"

Jon : tf. omg.

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Bend the Knee


1. A formal act of submission; esp. political

2. A ceremonial endorsement of another person; concession

Taylor could have kept his position in Norton's cabinet, but he couldn't swallow his pride and refused to bend the knee.

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Bend the Knee

1. to bow down to a king or queen
2. to knell to be knighted
3. a popular saying in pop culture

4. an instant classic single by The Singslayer

Person 1: Hey man, what's that song you are playing right now?
Person 2: That's that new fire song. It is called "Bend the Knee" by The Singslayer.
Person 1: Game of Thrones would be proud.

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