Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Battyfish?

A man who becomes sexually aroused while in the company of other men.
A male who has sexual encounters with another male.
A male who listens to R& B music.

male A: "is that the new ashanti song?"

male B: "Get your Battyfish hands off me!!"

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Battyfish - video


Battyfish - what is it?

A battyboy who "fishes" around the arsehole of his victim. Usually after a meal.

Holmsie decided that after his curry, he would go battyfishing. He was a world-class battyfisher

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What does "Battyfish" mean?

a battyfish is a nonce. a child nonce to be exact. ect: a boy who likes to grind on kids

what the fuck steve ur dancing on a 12 year old your 16 you battyfish

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Battyfish - what does it mean?

When a person has not visited captains in awhile.

Rahh im hungry like a battyfish

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Battyfish - meaning

When someone has a deceivingly small bum. On social media it looks like they have a large, rounded bum, instead in real life it is very flat and small.

I was expecting her to have a huge bum, WOW she’s a battyfish

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Battyfish - definition

Insult used on those that look like they are a cross breed between a man and a lady also meaning trans

ay shut up ya battyfish

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Battyfish - slang

A person who is bad at rocket league

Sam Burrows scores an own goal
Rio says β€œSam you’re a battyfish”

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A battyfish is a person who like kid but not in a friendly way, so They are basically a nonce.
e.g. Every teacher

Did you know Mr pinel is a battyfish

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Typically a male that has sexual intercourse with another male.

Look the battyfish stand up over there.

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A nonce or someone you don’t like is a dickhead

Mrs Johnson is a battyfish

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