Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Baped?

A compliment towards anyone who has done something cool or good. Referring to not having a small penis.

Dang fool you just scored 30 points, that's no bape.

👍29 👎11

Baped - meme gif

Baped meme gif

Baped - video


Baped - what is it?

The act of getting some Air Force Ones and replacing the check mark with a star. Worn by faggots like soulja boy

Soulja boy: haters get mad cuz i got me some bathe n apes
Kid: dude stfu bapes arnt even cool...

👍321 👎245

What does "Baped" mean?

Short for A Bathing Ape, Bape is a Japanese-based clothing brand. The clothes are like hip hop clothes, but brightly colored and with interesting designs....sometimes.

Bapes stand out from your run of the mill gangsta clothes.

👍177 👎121

Baped - what does it mean?

A type of shoe, usually comes in a wide variety of colors, different brands are called ice creams. Alot of them look like something a clown or 5-year old would wear.

1) Damn, that nigga's got some new Bapes! The Ice Creams!

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Baped - meaning

Bape or A Bathing Ape is a Japanese clothing line originally founded by Tomoaki "Nigo" Nagao in 1993.

It was soon butchered by the likes of rappers like Soulja Boy when he released his album which included the song "Bapes".

Gay wangster: Man, I jus' got myself some bapes.
Friend: Shieeet, fo' real?

Japanese/American that actually knows a thing or two about hip-hop unlike some fakeass rapper: *nods head* your never gonna survive kid.

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Baped - definition

Short for Bathing Apes - clothes that are only worn by rappers and people who make more money than professional rich people. Worn almost exclusively by rich black people who want to flash their swag, and rich rappers who won't settle for less. Worn by Pharell and more expensive than my first daughters wedding.

Man, those Bape clothes are like the Brooks Brothers of the hood.

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Baped - slang

Some Japanese clothes brand that no one can afford

Man I wish I could get some 300 dollar bape

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Pronounced (Bape-eez)
a condensed version of the name "Bathing Apes", a japanese name brand of clothing sold worldwide. Very popular in California.

"Bapes" if they're shoes, and "Bape" if its a jacket

I got me some Bapes at the mall yesterday.
That nigga's Bape jacket is fake.

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short for "Bathing Ape".

clothing company founded by Nigo. made popular by such celebrities as Pharell Williams (Neptunes, N.E.R.D.).

(bapes): the air force one looking shoes by the bathing ape company. also called: bape sta.

yo dogg, where'd you get those Bapes at?

Hazard in Burlingame, homie!

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n. Abreviation for "Bathing Ape"

"Bathing Ape" (aka BAPE) is a Japanese clothing company founded by designer Nigo in Tokyo, Japan in 1993. Nigo incorporated simian/gorilla images with hip-hop fashions to create clothes and accessories, as well as other items such as action-figurines. Bape was popularized in North America by icons such as Pharrell Williams (N.E.R.D) and continues to grow.

Damn, where can i get some bape

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