Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BUNION?

an alternative name, a very vague play on words for people with the surname "Bullas", popular around middle England areas such as Birmingham and Coventry.
The nickname became commonly used around the 1990's, the origins of the use of the word are unknown however.

J. Bullas is known to his friends As "Bunion."

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BUNION - meme gif

BUNION meme gif

BUNION - video


BUNION - what is it?

A butt soooooo fine, it makes your eyes water.

Mmmmmmm...did you check out the bunion on that hottie?

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What does "BUNION" mean?

A term for Marijuana

Hey Brah, I scored some of the finest bunion, let's go light up.

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BUNION - what does it mean?

A bunion is the result of wrapping up a small animal, preferably a cat, with a blanket tight enough to where it can't move.

The animals head is the only area left unwrapped.

Oh my god, Fluffy looks so cute in a bunion!

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BUNION - meaning

A large behind. Otherwise known as a FAT ASS. The more recognized use is for the ugly bump on your foot

DAYYYUM that girls got a BUNION!

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BUNION - definition

1.The funniest word used in the planet.
2.A deformed lump on the side of the foot.

OMFG!! Look at the lump on your shoe!!
HOLY SHIT!! Thats not right!!

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BUNION - slang

An Ugly, hard lump on the foot

And to a child I had bunions...Imagine the shock...why, I almost died!

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1. BUNION- a disgusting lumps of skin on ones foot generally on the toes. built up caluses on a foot. looks like baby toes sprouting from the foot.

EX. Damn that bitch has got some bunions on here feet. talk about who let the dogs out. that ho needs to get that shit filed off. look like Dog-Zilla.

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when the joints of the big toe bone and the pinky toe bone become deformed and point out in opposite directions of the foot. this can result from wearing pointy high heel shoes or it can be hereditary

sara always wore high heels. now she has bunions

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A common ingredient in soup


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