Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BRONK?

The art of being super creepy. A state generally attained when drinking alcohol.

Brent got really drunk and started to 'bronk' on these girls at the bar.

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BRONK - meme gif

BRONK meme gif

BRONK - video


BRONK - what is it?

To wank whilst taking a shit

John: "Hey Steve, what did you get up to last night?"

Steve: "Not much, watched the game and then had a massive Bronk."

👍43 👎39

What does "BRONK" mean?

A drunk Mexican walking home at two in the morning.

Be careful with your driving, you don't want to run over a bronk!

👍61 👎67

BRONK - what does it mean?

its like saying something is bad

your puff died? thats bronk af

👍25 👎13

BRONK - meaning

A game where you try to get a physical letter delivered to the most ridiculous (preferably made up) name possible.

The challenges of Bronking are twofold.
The first is that if the name is too ridiculous, a human mail sorter may reject the letter as garbage (which it is). Automated systems tend to not filter mail so effectively.
The second is making up a ridiculous name that fits the above criteria of not being too fake sounding.

Techniques include sending back credit-card 'junk mail' with the desired name filled in, in place of your own. However in bronking circles, this is frowned upon, as these systems are automated. (see above)

Invented by Dr Todd Gonzales of Townsville, Australia and named after the original 'recipient', Dr Kendall Cotton Bronk.

Protip: Most names sound better with a 'Dr' in front of them.

Guy 1: I just thought of the best bronking name, 'Mr Richard Poopenmyer'.
Guy 2: Na it's too fake, how about 'Dr Friskard Folper'?
Guy 1: How about 'Mr Phillip Urbon Dickary'?
Guy2: That's better, now you're getting it.

👍43 👎25

BRONK - definition

1.A wetback
2.Border brother
3.Southern Cal mexican immigrant

That fuckin' bronk is spicy, A.

👍109 👎95

BRONK - slang

When you're promised 8 inches and you're delivered 3.5', aka when he wants you to deepthroat but it doesn't even reach your back teeth.

-Do you want to get bronked?
-No, I would rather shit in my hands and play the drums Blue Man style.

👍33 👎15


1. to get shorted or messed with, to fall short of expectations screwed

2. very large or oversized fat

1. The runner-up got bronked by the judges.

2. Chad was bronked after finishing the entire meal.

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When something is really broken

I can't come out today. The cars bronk

👍51 👎17


When you're promised 8 inches and you're delivered 3.5', aka when he wants you to deepthroat but it doesn't even reach your back teeth.

-Do you want to get bronked?
-No, I would rather shit in my hands and play the drums Blue Man style.

👍25 👎13