Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BORBIE?

Not to be confused with "Barbie" a Borbie is

any one of the stuffed toys that are tagged as a "Squishmellow".

I'm going to the toy store to see if they have any new Borbies.

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BORBIE - meme gif

BORBIE meme gif

BORBIE - video


BORBIE - what is it?

teh_$3xy member of

Borby scare the n0Obs.

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What does "BORBIE" mean?

a woman with the morals of a man.

"I fucked Borby last night"


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BORBIE - what does it mean?

Borbie is a retarded barbie The term is used to undermine ones intelligence.

Adam: Milk grows on trees

Jane: Can i fry an Egg in boiling water?
Stacy: Of course not BORBIE!

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BORBIE - meaning

A very annoying nickname. By very annoying, I mean EXTREMELY annoying.

"Hey Borbies!"
"Yes it is!"

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BORBIE - definition

borbis (stylized as bOrbis) is everyone's lord and savior. If you don't consent to borbis, the chance of you dying goes up by 8000%. borbis gives free V-Bucks and Robux to anyone who likes borbis.

bOrbis has returned! We're saved!

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BORBIE - slang

erobb221 streams Minecraft, Just Chatting and Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches.

Damn Borby just caught another L.

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A man who gets really mad at people around them then proceeds to shut them out. A borbis will leave friends and other people because of his anger problems.

That guy was such a borbis, I really hate his guts!
Did you hear Gary? He is such a borbis.

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