Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BOE?

The mix of the words “bro” and “boi

“Ay I got lil shordy number from last night and she talkin bout wtw

“You tryna slide?”

“Hell yeah on boe

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BOE - meme gif

BOE meme gif

BOE - video


BOE - what is it?

A pound of weed my guy . Like da fuq

Yu know anyone who got a boe or sum gas for the low 🤪💯

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What does "BOE" mean?

a thing that someone is imfatuated with or mildly of extremely obsessed with. A favorite player, food, person, or anything that you can become obsessed with

kuehn plays buegler this week. its gonna be battle of the boe boes: westbrook vs. plummer

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BOE - what does it mean?

A word for a company that can sue faster than they can innovate.

"Did you hear about that big corporation that sued that poor little Canadian company just because they had better products?"

"Yeah man they really pulled a Boeing on that one."

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BOE - meaning

A term used to tell a child it is time for bed.

Cameron it is past your bedtime, it's time for boe boe's.

👍53 👎15

BOE - definition

BOE is a gang full of lil ass kids. BOE act so hard but they can never show it they swear up and down they caught this body and tht body but I’m pretty much sure they were so scared they left they dead brother TAMIR. BOE stands for Brothers Over Everything.BOE is scared of Meadowview,G parkway,and the heights. Meadowview,Gparkway,and the heights are all banked up niggas and Boe,hellgang,and the Mannorz are banked down niggazk but nobody is scared of them.BOE niggas run from every fade what they call out they ask Burger King workers to hide them.So in tht case BOE is full of fake gangbangers who are all a bunch of pussys

Oh shit them BOE niggazk ran again

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BOE - slang

big owo energy
similar to BDE
but safe for school and less cool

"hey david look that furry has BOE"
"shite u rite"

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Back Of the Envelope, a rough calculation, said to be made in a hurry on the back of a scrap of paper, see BOEC

How much is gravity on the moon?
My BOE calculation is about 1.6 m/s/s

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blooda4L we living that life style no Matta what cuh

Chelsea is my BOE 4L

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Brothers over everything

I’m finna run up on that little ass nigha disrespecting us and shit Kuhz it’s Boe til the day my casket drops

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