Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BLUKE?

A miss spelt version of Blakely, the surname of Andy.
May also be known as Bakely or Blackely.

"Hello, my name is Andy Blukely, i've come for the job interview"
"Blukely? No chance, fuck off!"

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BLUKE - meme gif

BLUKE meme gif

BLUKE - video


BLUKE - what is it?

The nickname for the best actor in the history of the world: Marc Blucas.

He played Riley Finn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He'll play your face with his fist if you don't follow his every move as an actor.

"The best actor in the world is Bluke. BLUKE!"

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What does "BLUKE" mean?

To have to suddenly move from your current position in a timely manner - usually used in conjunction with doing something wrong or illegal and often associated with moving as fast as you possibly can.

Very similar meaning to legging it

"Shit, the cops are here - Let's bluke!"

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BLUKE - what does it mean?

A bluke is an backward, uneducated, inarticulate person of rural Appalachian upbringing.

Hundreds of blukes have emerged from the woods and hollows in search of employment.

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BLUKE - meaning

A combination of the color blue and black

a swirl, the color Bluke is black and light or dark blue together

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BLUKE - definition

The act of simultaneously receiving a bloxie (bj while playing xbox live) and getting a tactical nuke in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

Some guy: Yo dude I just got like 3 blukes last night!

Other guy: I'm so jealous dude, did you time it just right so you jizzed while the nuke exploded?

Some Guy: Fuck yeah!

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BLUKE - slang

The nickname for the best actor in the history of the world: Marc Blucas.

He played Riley Finn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He'll play your face with his fist if you don't follow his every move as an actor.

"The best actor in the world is Bluke. BLUKE!"

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"Blue Shell Nuked": Being hit by a Blue Shell in a Mario Kart game, which hits as hard as a tactical nuke. Blue Shells relentlessly seek out racers in first place, and explode, delaying them, and any driver close to them for several seconds. Depending on where you get bluked, this can cost you time, or the entire race. Blue Shells (usually) cannot be avoided or dodged.

$#@%&(*#!!!! I got Bluked! ~or~ Ha-ha, you got Bluked!
Being Bluked can ruin your whole day.

"No Blukes"

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