Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BEEZER?

Canadian word for penis.

Keep your beezer on, eh!

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BEEZER - what is it?

This is noun that means that someone is a mean person. It can also become a verb if someone beezes mean to someone.

You saw Jake, right? He’s such a beezer.

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What does "BEEZER" mean?

Nose, the one in the middle of your face, you know.

"Damn, she's got a big beezer!"

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BEEZER - what does it mean?

another word for a bong

pass the beezer
ripping beezers
pack the beezer

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BEEZER - meaning

1. A nose. A schnozz.

2. A BSA motorcycle. A wonderful two cylinder Limey bike from the 1950s and 1960s.

1. If you say that again, I'll bust you in the beezer.

2. Nathan rode to Bramley on his Beezer.

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BEEZER - definition

(West Coast Scotland)

To mean something is or was amazing/quality/cracker

" here mate that was a fucking beezer "

" that guys bird has got a beezer of an arse on her "

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BEEZER - slang

A Canadian food and drug addict from Ontario.

You're such a Beezer, Chantal.

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northern irish slang usually used by spides or steeks, when describing something is cool, amazing or cracker.

"aye mate dat corsa`s a fuckin beezer"

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An extreme level of intoxication often followed the next day by stories of shameful actions and a massive hangover.

Dude, I don't know how you didn't get thrown in the slammer. You were so beezered!

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Taking a bump or a line of cocaine.

Hey bro, this party is ridiculous, I need a quick beezer to keep the good time rollin !

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