Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ayri?

I dont give a flying fuck, in "quliminyek" terms

My mum died today.
Reply: a3 ayri

👍47 👎33

Ayri - meme gif

Ayri meme gif

Ayri - video


Ayri - what is it?

It is a Lebanese way to describe that you don't care for something! It's translation to English means "like my dick". :)

n00b 1: Hey, did you know that you failed the exam?
n00b 2: Metel ayri! (Like: I Don't Care)

👍41 👎19

What does "Ayri" mean?

An arabic expression meaning - You/she/it is worth my dick
it is used to emphasize the insignificance of what it's describing to the person.


Byiswa Ayri - He/it is worth my dick

Bteswa Ayri hal sayara - This car is worth my dick --- as in I couldn't care less about the car

Johny? Byiswa ayri bwa2t el ghala - Johny? he is worth my dick during recession ---- Johny can't be worth more than shit.

👍31 👎11

Ayri - what does it mean?

Ancient english writing for "airy" but also means very high or aerial.
In Turkish it means "different".

From Shakespeare's "HAMLET":
"Truely, and I hold Ambition of so ayry and light a quality, that it is but a shadowes shadow..."

From Arnoldus de Nova Villa's alchemy treatise dated 1415:
"...and a finite Spirit, for in the world there is no other spirit to this art, and it is of an Ayry nature, which is a sign of perfection, and that it is not in Salt or Allum..."

👍35 👎23

Ayri - meaning

a amazing person that i like to hang out with

"i love you lots"

like my amazing friend Ayris

👍73 👎67

Ayri - definition

an awesome girl who is hyper all the time, but is very deep on the inside. There's more to her than it seems. a name derived from the word "irie"

"Ayrie you are one awesome girl"

👍67 👎33

Ayri - slang

its a way to say 'hi' in Arabic

ayri, how are you

👍181 👎39


It means dick in arabic

lek kes emak ya ayri

ayri fik you dog

👍79 👎17


A hilarious smart ass teenage girl

Did you hear what Ayri said the other day ? I DIED!

👍39 👎71


Dick in arabic; frquently used in Bankstgown, Punchbowl, Lakemba, Fairfield, Liverpol, Parrmatta, Whetherill Park, Merrylands, Granville, Guildford, Chester Hill, Bass Hill, Arn Cliff, Auburn, Brighton, La Peruse, Orange Grove, Miller, Casula, Lurnea, Fairfield West, Fairfield Heights, Bonnyrigg, Cecil Hills, And any other areas with high arab or wog populations. :)

Ayri Fik - My Dick In You :)

👍531 👎103