Definder - what does the word mean?

What is AvAtAr?

An icon which represents a user in a virtual reality/Internet setting, currently attempted with varying success. The term is adopted from Neal Stephenson; another word used for the same concept is Rudy Rucker's term "tuxedo."

First used from an Internet perspective in 1992 in SNOW CRASH, by Neal Stephenson, in one of those self-fulfilling SF prophecies. Stephenson got the name from the Hindu concept of avatars, which are the personification of various deities or entities.

👍1281 👎677

AvAtAr - meme gif

AvAtAr meme gif

AvAtAr - video


AvAtAr - what is it?

James Cameron's pet project for 10 or so odd years that, similar to Zepplin's pet project called the 'Hindenburg' might have gotten off, but utterly failed to deliver. The premise is a Dances with wolves like atmosphere, were the Army is now a corporate mercenary force sent out to protect galactic miners from the indigenous aliens that inhabit the mined planet of Pandora. A diplomatic approach is conceived where a chosen few will be mentally connected to living Human-Alien hybrids and take on their bodies, hence the title of Avatar. Once these people are avatars, they will go into the forest and gain the trust of the native Na'vi, tall slender, and blue aliens that need to be relocated so the Company can mine their area for a precious element called Unobtainium. Trouble brews and drama grows, money is spent, and this IS ONE OF THOSE MOVIES YOU CAN ONLY SEE AND ENJOY IN THEATERS.....sadly you can't watch it at home for a dollar and be disappointed.

Jack: " Jane! Did you see Avatar"
Jane: "Yes Jack, I did."
Jack: "didn't you just love that cool 3D and the special effects?
Jane: " Jack, quite frankly, I did not. I thought the entire film was a giant waste of $13.50 and 2 and half hours. James Cameron cannot write for shit, cannot create decent characters, cannot cast properly, and has way to much fuckin' money in his back pocket. How you could like it, you little waste of jizz, is way beyond my comprehension."
Jack: "But, but, the effects..... the 3D.......the sexy blue chick....."

👍263 👎121

What does "AvAtAr" mean?

An awesome show on Nickelodeon that includes the manifestation and controlling of the four elements (water, earth, fire and air) The Avatar is the only one who can control all four. The show is an awesome show that combines comedy with drama and awesome storytelling.

Will: "Hey did you see Avatar on Friday?"
Abby: "Yeah, that was funny with the whole 'Sokka's Boomerang' bit"

👍383 👎171

AvAtAr - what does it mean?

A 2009 movie by James Cameron that is basically Pocahontas dipped in blue paint and exposed to enough radiation to make them grow 10 feet tall and ride dragon-birds, space llamas, and listen to the "flying jellyfish".

"Hey have you ever seen Pocahontas?"

"oh you mean Avatar, the movie with that giant blue girl who falls in love with a human and worships trees?"

👍807 👎349

AvAtAr - meaning

One who has power over the 4 elements of life. Water, Earth, Fire, Air/wind.

The avatar has many powers.

👍2385 👎1075

AvAtAr - definition

A long ass movie that was basically Pocahontas played by Halo characters.

"What did you think of Avatar?"

"It was 3 hours of predictable Pocahontas/Halo garbage."

👍2341 👎993

AvAtAr - slang

When a tall, thin black girl stares at her smartphone in a dark place such as a movie theater or bar, bathing her face in a blue glow.

Check out that chick at the other table, she's avatarring!

👍35 👎11


An avatar is the appearance or icon which represents a character or user of a website, internet source, or other similar things in such a person(s) can create and own a profile.

Automatic Voice on Website: Are you ready to create your avatar, User1253?

👍59 👎17


Master of all four elements; Water, Earth, Fire and Air. When the Avatar dies, he/she is reincarnated into the next element of the cycle.

Aang, 'The Last Airbender' was the Avatar, and was born to the Air Nomads. When he died, the next Avatar, Korra was born into the Southern Water Tribe.

👍87 👎13


Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself, an open source game/philosophy of conscious character creation and a worldwide humanistic movement. Created by Alexander Polinsky actor/artist/musician and the Reverend of Full Circle Venice. Avatarism is not a new idea, we have been embodying archetypes and animals and gods and goddessess for millennia. Among the ideas expressed in Avatarism are collecting skills, creating your character in the real world and building confidence through focused play. The three main tenants in Avatarism are Embody, Uplevel and Uphold. More info

Avatarism is an open source game/philosophy of conscious character creation.

👍115 👎15