Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Auspicious?

Something that is quite odd and suspicious, in a weird manner.

A king to his servant whom he thinks is betraying the throne : You're acting quite auspicious pal !

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Auspicious - what is it?

The 1826 destruction of the Janissary corps in the Ottoman Empire. The Janissaries felt inadequate because the Sultan was building a new army, so they revolted and got massacred.

Bob: I sexiled my roommate last night. What an auspicious incident!
Dave: wtf you mean you killed a bunch of people?
Bob: Yeah, we were playing Starcraft.

👍41 👎13

What does "Auspicious" mean?

The YouTube channel where you wear a suit coat with no pants.

Did you see auspicious dissent look up his name in the thesaurus?

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Auspicious - what does it mean?

good, or favorable.

He made an auspicious beginning by getting an A.

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Auspicious - meaning

Promising good fortune; propitious.

The news that a team of British climbers had reached the summit of Everest seemed an auspicious sign for the reign of newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II.

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Auspicious - definition

Something that you expected would seem extremely stupid to do, but you just did it anyway.

I knew it was auspicious to hop in the homies brand new 2003 Honda Civic with the club on the stering wheel.

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Auspicious - slang

When somebody is particularly suspicious, unusual or unknown

That dude has been acting real auspicious since we found out about his fury collection.

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Promising well for future: marked by lucky signs or good omens, and therefore by the promise of success or happiness.

The later school days of my friend were as auspicious as the first.

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