Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Arpe?

Arpe the Big man of the group who loves Euphoriaaaaaa and also thinks there is a bake bean shower head.

You are the Arpe of the group.

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Arpe - meme gif

Arpe meme gif

Arpe - video


Arpe - what is it?

An Arp, short for Arpeggiator, is a device that causes a synthesizer to play the all of the notes in a chord in an arpeggio, rather than in harmonies. It was frequently present on monophonic synthesizers, and was used in early Italo Disco to create that "galloping synth" effect.

The modular synthesizer had an arp module, allowing it to play chord patterns which were impossible beforehand.

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What does "Arpe" mean?

(ar-p-ss) Typically used as a noun or adjective best describing people of Red, Ginger, or Daywalker descent. It is a rather accurate assumption that all people with orange, red, or brick-colored hair possess All Red Pubes. It is hard to tell which reds are actually ARPs, but a simple check of the eyebrow coloration may help you solve your enigma. If you cannot come within an 8 ft radius of the mysterious Red due to medicinal purposes, then it is considered fair on your part to go ahead and shout "ARPs!" as you passby. The term is in no way intended to be derogatory or hurtful; rather it is simply playful banter making known the discoloration of a select group's pubic hairs.

As I was walking into the supermarket I noticed a clown out front. When I came back out I realized that this was no clown and I shook his hand and called him an ARPs. It was then I laughed aloud to myself thinking how hilarious it truly is that a boy from La Salle could ever think he (or she) has the mental capacity to come up with such a term. Fortunately, I thought, there is such a place where men do excel to these mental capabilities...Loyola

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Arpe - what does it mean?

An acronym for AR Pistol, a variant of the AR-15 rifle or carbine. AR pistols are defined as any caliber firearm in the AR platform with a barrel shorter than 16 inches. ARPs do not have a butt stock and are sold with only a buffer tube at the end, often covered with foam.

My ARP be clapping when my OPs are lacking.

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Arpe - meaning



Pistol/ fully automatic submachin gun

Dont fuck with Jamal, i heard he just got a new ARP.

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Arpe - definition

All Red Pubes. Yell it out whenever you see a red head. it's fun, just do it once, and you're hooked on it. most red heads hate it, but whatever, most people aren't so it's all in good fun for non-red heads. originated in Loyola High School

Stew yelled "ARPS!!!!" when the red head walked by. The arps turned around with a dirty look on its face

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Arpe - slang

All Red Pubic Hairs......used in conjuction with red heads. Origionated at Loyola High School, or so legend has it.

When Chewy pulled down his pants I saw he was an ARPS.

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A boyband member who should have stayed as a solo artist

Oh he’s such an arpe

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a bitch ass who cries way too much

Look at this Arpe! Can’t stop fucking crying.

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A queen and the best on in the friend group.

You are such an arpe!

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