Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Annulment?

Randy has annulled collins marriage contract

Randy has annuled collins marriage contract

👍25 👎11

Annulment - meme gif

Annulment meme gif

Annulment - video


Annulment - what is it?

When you have sex with the person you have annulled your marriage with.

OMG I can't believe we got drunk in Vegas and got married! I don't want to be married to you. Let's have this marriage ruled invalid by the courts, and celebrate with some annul sex.

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What does "Annulment" mean?

Something Britney Spears has done to her marriage with friend Jason Allen Alexander in Las Vegas.

dude, Jason's gonna have a life-altering experience after fuckign britney!

Dude, Jason's gonna have a life-altering experience after fucking Britney!

👍77 👎63

Annulment - what does it mean?

To have sex with a person soley for the purpose of annuling the person you had sex with the last time before that.

I can't believe I had sex with HIM last night! He can't be the last person I did, I need to find someone else, so I can annulate this!

👍29 👎11

Annulment - meaning

Something to avoid in prison

Guy 1; dude I accidentally just dropped the soap
Guy 2; get it really quick avoid annul
Guy 3; Oh yeah...
Guy 1; oh shit...

👍25 👎13

Annulment - definition

Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. Annulment differs from divorce where the court ends an otherwise legal marriage on a specific date

"dude you're getting a divorce, again?"
"nah, im getting an annulment"

👍117 👎35

Annulment - slang

Ending a marriage before it has been consummated. Its like buying something from the store and returning it before it is removed from the package.

Father: "Son, your Mother and I are getting a divorce."
Son: "Isn't that the same thing as an annulment?"
Father: "No Son, your Mother and I had sex, and in turn, you, therefore we cannot get an annulment."

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