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What is Anal Creampie?

Covering a penis in peanut butter, butter, and flower. Then analing an asshole until you creampie in the other persons ass

I can't believe she let me buttercup anal creampie supreme her!

👍169 👎33

Anal Creampie - video


Anal Creampie - what is it?

The act of doing anal with your girlfriend/partner, cumming in their ass, your partner shitting out feces and semen into a blender, adding milk, ice and assorted fruit, then eating the drink together.

Amanda and i just had an Anal Creampie Smoothie, it was amazing.

👍45 👎67

What does "Anal Creampie" mean?

When a guy cums in a girls ass and she shits it out into a pie crust.

Man, Sherry and I made an anal creampie last night.

👍157 👎453

Anal Creampie - what does it mean?

to buttfuck someone and ejaculate into their ass, and then lick up all the semen

after i buttfucked her, she let me have an anal creampie

👍295 👎555

Anal Creampie - meaning

To ejaculate in another person's anus with out a condom, and then perform analinguis on them, licking it out.

After I busted my nut deep in Amy's ass, I buried my face between her cheeks and she gave me an anal creampie.

👍395 👎637

Anal Creampie - definition


Yo i gave charlie a anal creampie

👍51 👎21

Anal Creampie - slang

what happens after being f*cked in the ass

i had a massive anal creampie after being gangbanged by 10 guys.

👍623 👎217