Definder - what does the word mean?

What is An Abraham?

To jack off wildly. Some times to the same gender.

1. Why is the man named, Peter, always abrahamming everytime I see him?
2. Do not disturb him, he's abrahamming!

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An Abraham - video


An Abraham - what is it?

Abraham as in the Hebrew bible says, lover of many, the love attractor, Abraham is the type that every girl wants, attractive, tall, confident, but soothing at the same time. Has countless girlfriends but stays loyal to the one he finds destined for the future. Funny person to be around, life of the party and a strong leader.

Everyone wants to be around a guy like Abraham.

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What does "An Abraham" mean?

Abraham is someone you can share your whole life with, someone you can bare your soul to, heโ€™s someone that makes you so incredibly happy and makes life worth living, heโ€™s someone that will love you unconditionally even if you donโ€™t understand why or donโ€™t except the fact that he does he will. Abraham is someone you grow to love even if you try not to, you canโ€™t help it. Heโ€™s your happiness your reason to get up in the morning the reason you laugh and have amazing days. You will meet him and try not to love him but itโ€™s impossible one day you will just wake up and know that you are madly in love and thereโ€™s nothing else in this world that you want but to be his. He makes you love yourself and try new things and see the world differently he makes you believe in love and marriage and family when you thought it was all just a fantasy something people desire but never get, god Iโ€™m telling you once you fall for him you fall hard and thatโ€™s it heโ€™s your future. Abraham Is incredibly kind and giving even when the world hasnโ€™t given him all that much he still gives his all, he gives all his love as much as he knows how to. Heโ€™s perfect but there is one flaw he will never think heโ€™s enough but he is heโ€™s everything and more and you will be truly lucky to be loved by a Abraham.

The world doesnโ€™t make much sense to me so I think of Abraham and all of a sudden I understand perfectly.

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An Abraham - what does it mean?

A Mexican nigga who is short but attracts girls a lot. He actually cares about relationships and doesnโ€™t cheat unless you cheat on him. He will always listen to your problems and will try to help you any way he can. You can always trust him, and he is loyal. He also likes Jordans and dresses nicely and has a big penis.

Girl 1: Omg are you dating Abraham!?
Girl 2: Yeah, Iโ€™m so lucky right!

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An Abraham - meaning

A highly conceited boy who looks sexy even when he doesn't try, he has a sexy voice, and loves to talk to down-to-earth people and people who excite his imagination.

I think I like that guy. Yea that gotta be an Abraham.

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An Abraham - definition

He is usually a man with a huge penis and incredibly handsome the exact opposite to a jayden he is also able to make woman fall in love with him often having multiple lovers without realising it

Omg Abraham is so good looking and I got a pic of him naked let me just say NUT

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An Abraham - slang

Has an indescribable rhythm, will gladly help others when needed, sometimes doesnโ€™t like compliments, is serious and stern but also has a playful cute side them, likes to serve a higher purpose, is destined for greatness, however he chooses to be.

I love Abraham because he is such a good friend to me โ˜€๏ธ

Abraham, i wish u were here with me

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An Abraham

A name usually given at birth to the greatest men in history. Often the man is extremely handsome with devilish looks that could melt any girls heart. He usually has black or brown eyes that are to die for and is an incredible athlete who does not show it publicly, for the fear of being scouted and going to an awful team. He is also intelligent and outspoken, but is very shy. He is also very likely to be a man of high fashion that dresses very excellent, who should be named Best dressed male in high school.

Girl 1: Oh my god! did you see that really cute new guy. He is so hot!
Girl 2: Yeah, I think his name is Jeff.
Girl 1: No way, a guy that hot has to be named Abraham.

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An Abraham

This fabulous guy who is so sweet, talkative, funny, and natural. He can make anyone laugh easily, like to tease people, and do everything for anyone. He is the mostttttt amazing guy who everyone wants to be friend with. He can be paranoid about relationship because he cares about the person a lot. Anyone should be jealous of that person who is dating Abraham, the best name everrrrrr.

P.S. he is very sexy like seriously. Very Sexy.

Damn! Look at Abraham! He is so hot. Oh my god, I have to talk to him. My orgasm is exploding.

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An Abraham

He is the most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He's smarter than any other guy you've ever met and he always influences you in the best ways. His looks will melt your heart because he is just so damn handsome. If he was ever compared to another guy... Well that's just it. He can't be compared to others. His muscles are larger than the ocean floor and his smile will charm your mind. If he ever talked to you, then you're one lucky girl because that's means you'll get the special treatment. He's every girls dream man and he's a one in a million.

Damn is that Abraham over there? He is so fucking good looking!

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