Definder - what does the word mean?

What is All That Is?

A British idiom for "As well" or "Too". It's not entirely clear what the origin of this phrase is.

Begbie: (referring to jewellery he robbed from a shop) It's supposed to be fucking solid silver; it's fucking garbage! Young couples invest all their fucking hopes in that stuff and all.

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All That Is - video


All That Is - what is it?

Alle is a funny person who will always make me feel good about myself. Her stunning appearance and personality make her someone to look up to. But what makes Alle, Alle is her use of TikTok emojis in every chat.

Alle proud is amazing

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What does "All That Is" mean?

Top quality, admired. Really hot shit. So good your shit even smells good.

A person who thinks they are β€œall that” believes they people should buy them lunch and open doors for them. They think they are so hot and sophisicated that they can attract anybody.

In the old days we'd have a saying for women who thought they were "all that" -------- Miss Fine Thang. The whole block would be in on it -- little kids would follow her down the street ridiculing her "Oh my, you walk SO FINE".

And people would be calling her that all her life.

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All That Is - what does it mean?

An amazing friend who is always at your side when you need her. Accepts you for who you are and is never exclusive towards other people. She has a great personality as well as a great figure that everyone wishes they could have.

Damn look at that Alle she's so pretty and nice I wish I could be just like her

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All That Is - meaning

If someone isn't all there, they are a little bit stupid or crazy.

Thomas is not all there.

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All That Is - definition

When you place all your eggs in one basket.

Jim: Yo John, how much money are you going to put in that stock
John: Hey buddy, I'm going all in by selling my wife, house, car and kids
Jim: Cool

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All That Is - slang

To be totally committed to something.

Possibly originating with gambling games such as Texas Hold 'em style poker, where the maximum 'raise' is to bet your full stack of chips.

If we're gonna do it, let's do it. I'm all in.

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All That Is

That's it.
You can't say anything else/more about it.
That's all you know.

-Monica is moving to London.
-I don't know. That's all there is to it.

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All That Is

When a group of friends are taking tequila shots, someone named Abdul yells, "All of it! All of it!" Funny thing is he's the only one not taking shots on his birthday.

Thomas: "Alright guys, cheers!"

*Everyone takes a shot of tequila except Abdul*

Abdul: "All of it! All of it!"

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All That Is

To explain something

All in all, Donald Trump needs to fix the economy and get out.

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