Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Alexe?

Alex is someone who will always be there for you. You can trust him with anything and he cheer you up no matter what. He could be your best friend, but if you're not careful, you may find yourself falling in love with him.

Alex has been my best friend since diapers. He's so sweet, I think I may be falling for him.

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Alexe - meme gif

Alexe meme gif

Alexe - video


Alexe - what is it?

a sexy young man that can take anyones girl

Alex is too sexy to define

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What does "Alexe" mean?

No Alex is a slang word meaning the same as hop off and kick rocks. It's popularity is growing in Wetsern New York, unfortuantely the origins are foggy.

Person: Oh my god, class is so boring today.
Cool Person: No Alex.

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Alexe - what does it mean?

A human name made for people.

Johnny: Oh, hi mark!
Alex: My name is Alex.

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Alexe - meaning

Can easily become one of your closest friends. A really sweet boy, who also happens to be intelligent, there are no downsides to knowing an Alex. Handsome, funny, sweet, intelligent, and an amazing friend, always become friends with an Alex.

Wow! Alex is great!

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Alexe - definition

dank kid

i saw alex and fucking killed me in fortnite

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Alexe - slang

alex is one of the most kind people you’ll meet. he tends to be misunderstood, but is someone that should never be taken for granted. hes someone that you could never find in anyone else. he deserves a lot more than he gets by people surrounding by him, and he may be a bit ignorant but its how he shows he cares. he may act like hes the shit and he doesnt care but when you get to know him hes one of the sweetest people you could meet. very out going, and deserves to be loved properly. hes very attractive and can pull bitches but they dont matter if you’re the girl he loves. he loves unconditionally, and tries to find the best in negative situations. he tends to cling onto good memories and tries to let to good overweigh the bad, even if theres nothing good to make out of something. hes a crackhead and is a little reckless but i still love him regardless of his decisions. he doesn’t ever listen because hes so set on what he wants, is very determined but always expects failure and doesnt tend to try. he would be so much happier if he listened to the ones surrounding him, but someone like alex cant be controlled unless you’re his girlfriend. he tends to think hes a terrible person due from his past, but he doesn’t believe his mistakes dont define him as a person. hes so much more than what he thinks to be, seems cocky but beats himself down a lot. he is an amazing person who deserves all he can get. but he needs to realize nothing lasts forever and you cant cling onto your past.

alex is a dumbass but special. at least to me, alex is a one of a kind.

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A level of drunkenness characterized by a total lapse of lucidity, a lack of logical thinking, and a tendency to post meaningless philosophical dribble to one's story. From least to greatest, the scale of drunkenness goes: Buzzed, Tipsy, Drunk, Wasted, Alexed.

Did you see Kom during the Trail of Tears? That man got Alexed before 4:00 P.M.!

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A fucking idiot, but it's simply part of his charm :)

He's incredibly funny and never fails to make you laugh. He's a complete goofball, which basically makes him a child. He's also very loyal to his friends, family, and significant other. If you know an Alex in your life, hold onto him! You will regret it if you let him go.

Although he's quite a handful at times, he truly makes it worth your while, because he is just simply amazing.

Damion: Yo, do you know Alex?
Mark: Yeah, dude. He's so fucking funny.

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Alexe is a very smart girl who loves spending time outdoors and spending time with family and friends. Very hot and can please anyone with her looks. She is very important to everyone she has come in contact with and everyone loves her deeply.

Omg she is soooooo pretty, she must be an alexe!

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