Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Aleksandared?

Doing an 'Ivan Aleksandar' (more commonly called an IA) is the act of flicking spunk/shit at people heads from behind.

Person 1 - Man what just hit me in the head??

Person 2 - Looks like someone's done an Ivan Aleksandar!

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Aleksandared - meme gif

Aleksandared meme gif

Aleksandared - video


Aleksandared - what is it?

Best man.

Loves to party and is the funniest guy you could ever meet.
Aleksandar is the most charming, most
considerate, sweetest, most talented.
and completely perfect man in the world.
If he’s Serbien then he’s got a crazy good style, is probably tall and attractive.
He is a life changer and wants for everyone the best.
He’s flawless and makes you fall in love with him within a minute.

Aleksandar, I love you. Fuck me?

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What does "Aleksandared" mean?

(also, Aleksandared)

to pwn someone.

dude, that guy sucked, so I aleksandared him

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Aleksandared - what does it mean?

Aleksandar is that boy in my civics and science class that's somewhat weird. He's really small and hates soccer even though he's serbian...? He's really dirty minded and weird. he used to be really quiet... Aleksandar is that kind of kid that looks so intelligent and quiet and nice...but do they even know what this child does? he's straight out weird. But he's a good friend. he's just...Aleksandar
*BTW he also will give u gum UwU

Aleksandar's the weirdo in the class but tries to be smart

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Aleksandared - meaning

This name originates from Balkan countries. He has extraordinary skills in making love. If your girl has a friend named Aleksandar, it is a red flag and you shall let her go. On the other hand, if you have a friend named Aleksandar, you are certain to get no female attention because they're all trying to date him.

Aleksandar is defined as a guy who has his pecker aa long as his name.

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Aleksandared - definition

To je jedna fuxa.

Hey I rly love that person he's such an Aleksandar

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Aleksandared - slang

Aleksandar is hottest man alive.He have Gigantic Snake in his pants and better body than your ex. People love Aleksandar because he is good in bed and have nice personallity.
Girl 1:see there is a boy!
Girl 2: oh noo girl that is Gigantic
Snake Aleksandar.
Girl 3: He will knockout our asses!!

Aleksandar used in bed :)

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Aleksandar is hot and strong he is a big Serbian boy and he will slap you if he want. Aleksandar is smart but most of the time he is bored. He can do everything when he want.

Aleksandar you are so nice!!!!

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Comes from the Greek name Alejandros
meaning, protector of men
the name Aleksandar is used in slavic country's like Serbia, Macedonia, and others
People named Aleksandar have most of the time slavic blood, meaning that they are attractive and intelligent people
Other related names used in other parts of the world
Alexander, Aleksander, Aleksandr, Alex, Aleks, Alec,

One of the greatest representors of this name was The Macedon Aleksander the Great,
who was the greatest king of all time.

Aleksandar the Great(macedon)conquered the whole known world.

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Name: A pretty awesome person. Usually Serbian, and often a BAMF.

DAAAM!! That kid's a Aleksandar

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