Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A lottle?

It's like a little but a lot.

I like you a "lottle".

👍25 👎11

A lottle - video


A lottle - what is it?

the opposite of a little. someone will bring up how little you like a particular thing and you come back with this word

So you like dudes now?
not really just a little...
Yeah right! you like them a lottle!

👍97 👎59

What does "A lottle" mean?


1. a lot of a little.

Used to modify the degree or quantity being indicated by the word little.

"That chick is a little weird."
"A little?"
"Nah... a lottle"

👍57 👎25

A lottle - what does it mean?

A little but a lot

You're a lottle crazy

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A lottle - meaning

Something that is more than a little but less than a lot.

"I like you a lottle"......"my partying got a lottle out of hand for a bit, but I'm back to staying in most nights"....."we text a lottle"....

👍25 👎11

A lottle - definition

Seems like a little, but actually a lot.

"Hey, you wanna study History together?"
"But we're in different classes."
"Doesn't matter, theres a lottle stuff in common."

👍81 👎23

A lottle - slang

to be used when you want to fool someone into thinking you only like something a little but you really like it a lot

I only like him a lottle bit.

-How much do you like Harry Potter?
-Oh, just a lottle.

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A lottle

Adj; the act of liking something a lot but cutely down playing it to a little.

John loves Rachel a lottle.

Doug misses his girlfriend a lottle.

👍103 👎23

A lottle

A little but a lot

I like you a lottle

👍27 👎11

A lottle

It's like a little, but a lot

I love you a lottle

👍49 👎21