Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Big boy?

A large homosapien of the male gender that can be classified as pretty big, and his curves and swerves are what make him the big man he is. A big boi is not necessarily attractive, but is considered big because he is cool, and the most common features to locate a big boi is moisture in the crevises, large wong dongs, and exceptional body hair. A boi does not even need to be a man, the name itself is mereley a symbol of the bigness that is thrusted upon a homosapein

Wow, that man is a big boi
Yeah man, he is pretty big!
Some could say he is a boi!
yeah bro, tubular, stay moist

👍51 👎17

A Big boy - video


A Big boy - what is it?

what a man or woman calls another man implying that he has a large penis.

hey big boy come over here and give me more

👍73 👎25

What does "A Big boy" mean?

A nickname to call anyone that thinks they are big

"Hey! Whats up big boy?"

👍257 👎105

A Big boy - what does it mean?

A fat man

A big boy like Robert is a fat man

👍27 👎11

A Big boy - meaning

Big Boi, Big Boi whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Big Boi, Big Boi whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

A very cool individual.

Damn, I want to be Big Boi

👍65 👎21

A Big boy - definition

A Boy Who is Big

He is such a "Big Boy"!

👍91 👎27

A Big boy - slang

A person who is cooler than everyone

Samuel Clements is a Big Boy

👍189 👎69

A Big boy

1 of 2 of da dudes from outkast. spits real fast. tight as fuck rapper.

(Big boi)
oh snap these bitches they act like cats
in the middle of the dance floor now they preparing to scrap
they takin out their scrunchies and pullin off their pressons
the one on the right is the girlfriend and the one the left is the other woman
someone please call security
these girls too purty
to get down to the nitty titty
i mean the nitty gritty
i mean her tiitty pretty
im trippin
being silly willy
man go on let them hos fight

👍561 👎133

A Big boy

A big boi

That big boi is huge.

👍197 👎25

A Big boy

A person who is Pretty Big

My boi Alex is a Big Boi.

Big boi Alex.

👍61 👎13