Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A-a-ron?

Ron works long, steady and at the most detailed level to create masterpieces. A most gifted man with his hands. Ron an amazing lover. Ron is cautious to open his heart and be vulnerable romantically, but when he does, his love radiates through his beautiful and powerful eyes and generous actions. Ron is a focused and realistic person. He thrives in solitude and nature. He is a great host and loves catering to people's visceral joys. A longtime and committed friend.

Ron's passions are motors, electronics, speed, comfort food and lovemaking.

👍635 👎257

A-a-ron - meme gif

A-a-ron meme gif

A-a-ron - video


A-a-ron - what is it?

Ron is powerful, charming, witty, honest, and caring. Being family oriented, forward, clean, respectful and hard working are some of the best things about a Ron. A Ron is protective of their loved ones, outgoing, resilient, and a good father. Rons make great friends cause they will tell you the truth whether you want it or not. Dont betray a Ron, you will regret it.

That Ron sure is a great dad!

👍1715 👎703

What does "A-a-ron" mean?

Ronned, as in "getting Ronned" is the act of being dealt a heavy dose of truth and common sense.

Ron Paul: Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.

Politician: Damn! We just got Ronned!

👍77 👎23

A-a-ron - what does it mean?

A living meme folder from Bob's Onslaught from Friday Night Funkin' that is really cool (in a cool way) and hates wemen (cool guys hate wemen).

Unfortunately for him, he was killed by Bob (in a cool way). Or was that fortunate (in a cool way).Since he is seen again after his death, one can only conclude he was too cool to stay dead (in a cool way).

Apparently his official B-Side version is non-binary, yet still hates wemen (in a cool way). Except he totes copied Kapi, so B-Side Ron actually sucks and is uncool (in a cool way).

Ron (in a cool way) is (in a cool way) the (in a cool way) best (in a cool way) FNF (in a funkin' way) character (in a cool way). (in a cool way)

👍147 👎45

A-a-ron - meaning

Some who falls through a Ceiling like a Dumbass

Hey Ron...Hey Billy...that hurt.

👍399 👎123

A-a-ron - definition

Strong, Protector, Lover, Fighter, Warrior. Stay on thier good side! If your a man he can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. If your a woman, wrap your arms and legs around him and hold on tight! If he is ambivilent towards you, embrace the fact that you are probably a loser

Damn dude he's a Ron

👍3205 👎1037

A-a-ron - slang

Short for 'later on' as in saving something for another time in the future.

She had not finished eating her chocloate cake when he tried to tuck in. She screamed at him "No! That's mine, i'm keeping it for ron". So he left it on the plate and raided the fridge instead.

👍1353 👎291


The act of running, but when heart rate goes to a specific number (user defined), running stops, and walking begins, until heart rate drops to desired level, where person begins running again until when and if maximum heart rate is pierced.

When same person does this activity more than once in a day, it is called moreronning.

Hey, I went ronning with the boys this morning. We mostly ran, and only walked twice.

👍27 👎11


When you are nearing completion while getting a blow-job and you pull out and empty your ejaculate (like a glazed donut) all over her dome-piece. You then immediatly throw a fist full of glitter in her face. Thus creating a glazed sprinkled donut for your visual entertainment.

Guy #1: Yo man how did it go with that chick last night?
Guy #2: I pulled "The Ron-Ron" on that chick.
Guy #1: What?
Guy #2: Yea, I glazed that bitch like a donut.
Guy #1: Word!

👍43 👎21


You done messed up, A-a-ron!


"It's Aaron."

👍27 👎17