Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 55378008?

A common schoolboy trick, similar to 710 11345

see above & below

👍59 👎67

55378008 - video

55378008 - what is it?

This is how I learned it:

*gets calc out to check*

There once was a lady with 69 children that was 2 2 2 many, she went to see a doctor on 51st. St. after 8 operations she was left...


This is how it goes...

👍61 👎69

What does "55378008" mean?

Once there was a woman who had 69 tits it was 222 many for a 51 year old so she went to X who gave her 8 tablets now she boobless

6922251 x 8 = Boobless

👍71 👎73

55378008 - what does it mean?

Type it upside-down in a calculator and it reads "BOOBLESS"

👍75 👎71

55378008 - meaning

when typed into a calculator and flipped upside down it reads "BOOBLESS"

hey jane, you are ....*types into calculator and flips*! HAHAH

👍125 👎89

55378008 - definition

There was a girl aged 13 who had boob size 84 but she wanted down to 45, so the doctor said 0 take 2 tablets, but instead she took 4 and that left her BOOBLESS

13844502 x 4 = BOOBLESS, motherfucker

👍271 👎191

55378008 - slang

I also heard this calculator joke in Third grade from a friend.

A woman had 69(press 69) boobs,
which she was 2(press 2), 2(press 2), 2(press 2) much.
So she went to 51st(press 51) street
to visit DR. X (press multiply)
8(ate) press 8) her boobs and now she's

6922251x8= BOOBLESS

👍295 👎177


Wow... lot's of variations I've never heard of. The only way I've ever heard this was with Dolly Parton.

"In nineteen 69 Dolly Partons Doctor said her Tits were 2 2 2 Big. So he gave her 51 Pills to take 8 Times a day, and when she woke up in the morning she became BOOBLESS.

6922251 x 8 = 55378008

👍217 👎105


Its 'calculator-speak' (type the number in the calculator and turn it upside-down) for the word boobless. Probably the most well known phrase typable in a basic calculator.
Other words include:
5318008 (boobies)
58008 (boobs)
77345 (shell)
710.77345 (shell oil)
318ll345 (shelbie)
7734 (hell
07734 (hello)

Im the coolest person in school person i can type a rude word in my calculator. 55378008

👍319 👎113


calculater joke i learned in 3rd grade

A woman's boobs weighed 69 pounds,
which she though was 2, 2, 2 much.
So she went down 51st street
to see DR. X
he gave her 8 pills.....which left her....

6922251x8= BOOBLESS

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