Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 07734?

Anything you write will ALWAYS be much cooler if:

1) It's in code.

2) The message/statement is conveyed by unconventional means.


3) 1337 is used.

(The rule name comes from writing "Hello" on a standard handheld calculator by pressing 0.7734 and turning it upside-down)

Steve: Man, I want to say 'Hello' to that chick over there... but how do I go about doing such a thing?

Man: Just remember Rule: 07734 Steve.

Man: Your right! *grabs a nearby calculator*

👍35 👎15

07734 - video


07734 - what is it?

Put it in a calculator and read it upside down

Mathematicians way of saying hello in math

Mathemtician1 : hi

Mathemtician2 : 07734

👍51 👎19

What does "07734" mean?

When put into a calculator and flipped upside down (kind of like 5318008), spells "hello"

Just your random useless fact of the day that you probably already know!

👍189 👎35