Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 4th December?

It’s national kiss your bf or your gf for 5 seconds or more

Gf:’kisses bf’
Bf: what was that for?
Gf: it’s December 4th, kiss you bf or gf day!!

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4th December - video


4th December - what is it?

December 4th is birthdays to all gorgeous , talented and passionate females DID I mention BEAUTIFUL

β€œ December 4th a bad bitch was born β€œ

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What does "4th December" mean?

Slap people’s calves day
When ever you see some one you know slap their calves. If you want to participate slap the back of the person’s calves.

Have fun!!

On December 4th If Alex is walking down the hall sees jimmy and says β€œhi jimmy” then Jimmy should proceed to slap Alex’s calves when he passes by

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4th December - what does it mean?

December 4th is the day that stallions are born, natural bad bitches. a lot of yall cant relate

its december 4th, stalli day!

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4th December - meaning

Pull out your wallets, credit cards, cheques, its Give-all-your-money-to-Elios day

Elios: "it's 4th of december"

Everyone else: "here is all my money"

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4th December - definition

4th of december is national love an ugly baby day!

4th of december is a very special day on my calendar!

β€œyour ugly baby is very cute”
β€œthank you i will give it mamas milk!”

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4th December - slang

Be as gay as you want with any boy without saying no homo. It is not gay. You can even touch tips

Callum: Can I slip my dick in your ass.
James: no I'm not gay
Callum: it's the 4th December the gay day so it's not gay
James: oh ok stick if in as far as you want

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4th December

Be as gay as you want with any boy without saying no homo. It is not gay. You can even touch tips

Callum: Can I slip my dick in your ass.
James: no I'm not gay
Callum: it's the 4th December the gay day so it's not gay
James: oh ok stick if in as far as you want

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4th December

The day twitter user @STARLIGHTJAE will finally tell twitter user @vminnieh that she likes him and she wants to date him.

Roxie: So, it's 4th December
Mint: Yes Roxie I like you and I want to be your girlfriend

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4th December

Every kid has the day off

Mum: get ready for school
Me: no

Mum: why
Me: it’s 4th December

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