Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 15th March?

ignore hayleigh’s ft calls

*hayleigh calls you*
just let it ring bc it’s march 15th

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15th March - video


15th March - what is it?

Spider day, in reference to the song Spider On The Wall by Ghost.

"Found on March 15th, transparency, this isn't me.."

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What does "15th March" mean?

Judgment day. The day our hero, Brenton Tarrant, sacrificed his life in the name of us to keep Europe white.

1: Hey, did you see what happened on March 15th?
2: Yeah, they forgot to subscribe to Pewdiepie.

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15th March - what does it mean?

National fuck the hell out of your partners day

Hey sweetheart happy March 15th better be ready to celebrate later :)

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15th March - meaning

People born on this day are probably the best thing that could happen in your life. Not only do they are good listeners and patient but asking them for advice is always the way to go, both objective/honest and considerate you won't waste your time having 'deep talks' with them...

Those people always try to make you smile and bring out the best from you even with little means such as compliments or daily actions, this is what makes them so comfortable to be around : they think but are light and naturally outgoing. Of course, they are also really fun and enjoy laughing to dad jokes as much as they do making them, not to mention they're also big meme enthusiasts (cats ones). A person born on this day shines with their beauty but their charm is on another level for real. Don't forget how precious they are and try showing them how important they are to you <3

ps : they also got their 'darker' side but won't show it easily so let them open up

"- He's really the best person I've ever met !
- oh and when is his birthday ?
- on March 15th"

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15th March - definition

March 15th is the day when you have to suck your boyfriends cock an than switch to riding him and for the finish suck him again!

β€œHey, what day is today?”
β€œMarch 15th!”
β€œI have to go see my boyfriend!!!”

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15th March - slang

The day Denzel Crocker lost his Fairy God Parents in 1972

March 15th is the day when Mr. Crocker is at his meanest

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15th March

the day where the baddest bitches are born

Tim: β€œHey when where you born?”

Hannah: β€œMarch 15th, why?”

Tim: β€œOh, your a bad bitch!”

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15th March

Steak & Blowjob day

it's steak and blow job day on the 15th March

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15th March

National fuck someone you went to secondary school with

Hey u wanna fuck

Bit random

Yeah I know but it’s 15th March

Oh okay then

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