Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zorped?

n: Physically unreachable but mentally attainable due to any substance that can tell your mind you have reached the destination of "Zorp 6". Depending on the individuals interperatation and judgement "Zorp 6" or the act of being "zorped" will become an unexplainable state of mind or place also referred to as a fantasy world. Letting your mind tell you that you're not where you thought you once were. No explanation on how to get to "Zorp 6" or how to get "zorped".

;Last night me and a couple buddy's were so trashed we were on zorp 6.

;We were so zorped we thought we were on Mars.

;-we went to zorp 6 because earth became boring.

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zorped - meme gif

zorped meme gif

zorped - video


Zorped - what is it?

verb: to give a person a feeling of emptiness by having them spend their money or time on something normal or stupid(e.g a slot machine) yet portraying the purchase or commitment in an extravagant, exagerated way so as to decieve the person of the actual utlity of the purchase or commitment. Emphasis is on the flashy, extravagant, almost surreal circumstances and expectations of the event contrasted with the empty, shallow, and even depressing outcome of it.

Almost always used in regard to Las Vegas.

note: Las Vegas or a Las Vegas venue is many times the unstated subject of this verb.


zorpworld or zorp-world: Las Vegas

I lost $1000 in the casinos, spent $500 for a blowjob from a whore from some gnarly whore delivery service, and have a killer hangover. Damn, I got fucking zorped in Vegas this weekend.

He is getting zorped in the casinos right now.


The casino is zorping him right now.

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What does "zorped" mean?

Zorp, originally discovered by the Mighty Jeff himself, is the skin colour of the child product from a Caucasian man and an Asian woman. Usually, Asians are referred to as yellow, but in this case, an entirely new colour is created in a mix between yellow and white (most similar to olive skin colour).

Friend: "Oh Jeff, what colour is your skin?" ...... Jeff: "Zorp!"

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Zorped - what does it mean?

the act of giving

"yo will you zorp me that cola please?"

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Zorped - meaning

a new, dumber sounding and therefore funnier way of saying "zing"

the skrillex is a good dj... zorp

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Zorped - definition

The inability to do a back flip off a fence.

like if you were going to back flip off a fence, then u just don't


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Zorped - slang

zorping is the act of skipping stones on a frozen body of water creating a "zorp" sound.

"hey you guys wanna go zorping?"

"hell yeah! that shit is fucking crazy!"

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When you are tripping really hard off acid

"Wow Im so Zorped."

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A giant lizard with a volcano for a mouth that according to the zorp cult will some day engulf the world in flames.

Guy#1-"hey did you here about zorp killing everyone?"
Guy#2-"we'll ain't that nice"

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When you're high on nothing but sleep deprivation.

Josh always starts zorping around 2am.

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