Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zoomy?

Air Force personnel.

While stationed at Marine Corps Air Staion El Toro we often trained with Zoomies from Edwards Air Force Base.

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zoomy - meme gif

zoomy meme gif

zoomy - video


Zoomy - what is it?

A word used to describe people with ADHD experiencing symptoms.

Wilbur: Why is Tommy acting like that?

Toby: It's because Tommy has the zoomies

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What does "zoomy" mean?

A term used to refer to the US Air Force.

Damn those jarheads, squids, and dogfaces; zoomies are better.

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Zoomy - what does it mean?

Verb. When a cute dog runs around very fast for no reason.

*Puppy runs around*
You: β€œAww those zoomies tho”
Me: β€œYou’re right that’s a lot of zoomies β€œ

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Zoomy - meaning

When you dog runs around the house like crazy jumping on the couch, running up and down the stairs, and all over the house. It usually ends with them falling to the floor, panting like crazy and taking a nap.

Fritz got the zoomies today and wore himself out.

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Zoomy - definition

same as above, only when the loser drinks you sing "well he sucks and he fucks and he knows that he loves it so drink motherfucker drink motherfucker drink motherfucker drink!

zoomie zoomie

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Zoomy - slang

A drinking game involving a group of people (preferrably in a circle, or other circular shape) who clap in unison and chant the song, "fuck me, everybody let's play zoomie zoomie.. zoomie zoomaay, zoomie zoomaay, zoomie zoomaay, zoomie zoomaay". Everyone is given a number, from one to however many players there are. Once the last "zoomie zoomaay" is sung, Player 1, in time with the clapping, chants, for example, "one one, four four!". Still in time with the music, Player 4 must recognize that his/her number had been called, and do the same. Ex: "four four, nine nine!". Player 9 would go next, and so forth. The first person to mess up has to drink, and the game starts again with the song.

Warning: advised to play in only in secluded areas, as the singing/chanting of "zoomie zoomie" will become quite loud.

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Spacey; out-of-it; removed from one's surroundings.

"Ugh, that Vicodin made me really zoomy."

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To take a plastic bottle poke a joint through the hole in it and then make two more holes to put your thumb and finger over you cover them and inhale until the bottle fills up then let go of them and inhale and enjoy.

I want to get trashed, lets do a zoomy or two.

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Air Force term for any graduate of the USAF Academy at Colorado Springs. Slang term other military branches use to describe any Air Force personnel.

2nd Lieutenant Scheiskopf is an Academy grad, he's a zoomy.

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